A detail that many did not see and the camera accidentally noticed


BELGRADE – The special envoy of the President of the United States, Richard Grenel, attended the talks on the DFC office in Belgrade today at the United States Embassy in Belgrade, which was officially opened later with a ceremony at the Palace of Serbia

At the end of the press conference, when most of the cameras had already been turned off, she caught Grenel’s attention and he immediately approached her.

This is what it’s about …

photo: Tanjug Printscreen

It is the golden retriever Larry, the mascot of the American ambassador to Serbia, Anthony Godry, and his wife Ann Marie.

At one point, Lara jumped on her owner Godfrey to anoint and salute.

Grenel is a great dog lover and mentions his pet in every interview, often taking photos with his dog.


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Author: delivery courier
