A decision will be made on Monday on when and from which cities the vaccination with the “Sputnik” vaccine will begin.


The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, said that on Monday, January 4, in the meeting with the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, a decision will be made on when and from which cities the “sputnik” vaccination will begin.

Djerlek said that health workers in intensive care units will be vaccinated first and then other health workers.

– We have divided the health system into seven groups, and first it will be health workers in intensive care units, followed by clinics in health centers and admission and triage centers, kovid hospitals, laboratories where it is diagnosed kovid -19, then intensive care units in non-kovid rooms, surgical rooms and employees in health centers – Đerlek told Tanjug.

Expect another 20,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine on January 4-5, a total of 78,000 in January.

– In January, we expect large quantities of the “sputnik” vaccine and the Chinese “Sinofarm” vaccine in the second half of the month – said Djerlek.

When asked if Serbia could be a partner of “Biontek” for the production of RNA vaccines, given that the head of that pharmaceutical company said that they were trying to acquire new partners that would produce for them, Djerlek said that the whole situation with the corona virus showed how important Torlak is.

– The state will undoubtedly invest in Torlak in the coming months and years. Our goal is to enable it and invest funds, either just our funds or through a consortium with a foreign company, anyway, but it would be extremely important for Serbia to have its own institution that will produce vaccines, Djerlek said.
