A CROWN has erupted again throughout Serbia, so a serious introduction to the introduction of NEW MEASURES, even the MOST DRASTIC, is being considered.


Slowly but surely, the figures in the crown are moving in a known direction, toward their new peak. In just one day, the number of newly infected people increased by a hundred, and all national epidemiologists predict that the situation could be worse. What awaits us?

With the increase in the number of new infected, which according to the last section was 245, known fears for possible more drastic measures increase.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić pointed out in his speech yesterday that the situation is unfavorable.

– These are not dramatic numbers yet, let’s not scare people, we said a more difficult time is coming. You can see that in Croatia you have 770 patients in a smaller number of tests. It would be like having 1,300 in Serbia. When you have 200 in Macedonia, it’s like we have 800. We don’t have a large number of deaths or hospitalizations. We will face a terrible disease in the harshest sense of the word – he said and added:

– See how the numbers jump abroad. We are still in the best proportion of our numbers. Even today we are holding up well even though it is the worst day. It will be worse, it will be, of course.

Korona met all expectations, so the main focus now is not only the capital, but also the cities of Kragujevac and Valjevo, which register 23 new infections in just one day. Then, the epidemic has once again released its “tentacles” throughout the country.

In this regard, our crisis staff will likely make a decision in the coming days on whether to modify and strengthen some measures. What could it look like?

Masks and outdoors required

The above recommendations on the use of masks in the open air could, in the next period, with the worsening of the crown situation, become a mandatory measure. Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Dr. Predrag Kon said that a few days ago.

Masks indoors, but also outdoorsPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Masks indoors, but also outdoors

– I emphasize again and recommend wearing a mask, not only indoors but also outdoors. That recommendation is being forgotten. I am aware that a small number of people wear masks outside, but at one point a small number wore them both in transportation and in shopping centers until they became mandatory. The recommendation can sometimes go beyond measure, no one will be surprised if that is the case, if everything goes in the wrong direction – warned Dr. Kon.

This could be the first potential measure in this situation.

Shorten the operation of catering facilities

As we have had the opportunity to see in the previous period and in previous peaks, the first in line to close and shorten the working day were the catering facilities. Most homeowners are still anxiously awaiting further decisions from the crisis staff.

Shops in Belgrade after 23.00Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

Shops in Belgrade after 23.00

The fact is that the situation was much more favorable for them while the weather was good and most of the visitors were sitting in the gardens. Today, with lower temperatures, customers have moved into congested indoor spaces. This is a risk that all epidemiologists warn of, so it is expected that the working hours of the facilities will be shortened even more.

Until now, working hours have been reduced from 1 a.m. after midnight to 11 p.m., and that could soon be even shorter, as the number of new infections grows day by day.

Close schools, universities, switch to online work

These days, epidemiologists have warned that we are entering the peak of the third wave, in which there may be up to 500 people infected in about two weeks. This calls into question live teaching. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović stated that schools and colleges are being held for the moment.

– But if we exceed 500 infected people per day, which is realistic to expect to happen in the next two weeks, if people do not get serious, classes will no longer be in schools and colleges, but exclusively online – warned the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff.

Photo: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

President Vučić also spoke yesterday about possible school closings. When asked if schools will be closed, Vučić said that he is not part of the medical team, but that he does not see much sense in that.

– We do not have children from 6-7 to 18 years old who are life-threatening, the problem is if they transmit the virus to the elderly. It is a bigger problem for them, for the sick, the diabetic, the obese. I ask our grandparents to take care of themselves – he said.

As one of the options that is constantly being considered, especially when the numbers are on the rise, switch companies to online mode, except in production, where that is impossible.

Quarantine and curfew

The last option being considered is the reintroduction of quarantine and curfew in our country. It depends on several factors.

When the state of emergency was lifted in May, the so-called Kon coefficient was around 5 percent. This number represents the percentage of the number of infected in relation to the number analyzed in 24 hours. We call it the Kon coefficient, because the epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon spoke more often about the importance of that number in the first attack of the corona virus in Serbia.

To be able to say that the situation with the epidemic is calm and that we actually have sporadic cases of contagion, that percentage should be 0.5, while everything more than 2.5 worries epidemiologists.

Another key reason that would lead to drastic measures is that our hospitals are full of patients and doctors are forced to choose who to help.

Fair during quarantinePhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Fair during quarantine

This is followed by the number of people with respirators as the next condition.

In July, more precisely on the 22nd of that month, Serbia registered a record 205 patients with a respirator, but at that time we had no state of emergency, quarantine or curfew.

The closure of cities, that is, the introduction of local quarantines, is not a popular measure, and it is difficult to implement, but it can happen if large local hotspots appear that are already forming in Kragujevac and Valjevo, while in the capital already it’s constant.
