Horrible images of a truck full of tortured dogs surfaced yesterday on social media, which, to put it mildly, shocked the people of Subotica. The recordings made by the citizens first show a truck with a dog tied to its trailer, bleeding all the way.
As the video was shared at breakneck speed on viber groups and social media, activists from the animal protection association followed and intercepted the truck. The truck, which allegedly contained a dozen animals, then headed to an abandoned farm in Tavankut, where the driver, known as Ceda Shinter, brought the tortured dogs, according to the portal Subotica.com.

As published on social media, the police arrived at the scene at the invitation of citizens and conducted an investigation.
– Tonight, our volunteers were in the field until one after midnight with Aphrodite and the citizens who gathered and went out to help the dogs. At the “death farm”, Ceda Schinter moved the dogs to starve, torture and beat them. The dogs didn’t even have water. They almost died of hunger – say the volunteers of “Subotica bozales”.
The Interior Ministry conducted an investigation, filmed and photographed this horror, it remains to be seen whether an “urgent measure” will be imposed on the seizure of dogs, so that they can be placed in the city shelter.
During the day, several activists participated in the rescue action for the captured animals, and all of them, eighteen of them, are now housed in places where they were kept in unconditional facilities, without food or water for days.
According to the advertisements of the “Anime” activists, 18 dogs were found on the farm, most of them purebred: raspberries, kangals, hen Corsican …

– The dogs are in very bad condition, without water or food, thin, visibly traumatized, dead in the term – they add in “Anima”. – The police did everything they could, thank you for that. Unfortunately, they cannot take the dogs, only a veterinary inspection can. They didn’t go out into the field last night, we hope they will today and take the dogs to this farm and another place in town where Cheda has dogs. The ps were beaten with chains last night, dragged, thrown out of the truck … We submitted a report to the veterinary inspection in Subotica, to the Ministry of Agriculture in Belgrade, to the Basic Prosecutor’s Office. If all the institutions react, Cheda would be prosecuted for the crime of killing and abusing animals under article 269 of the Penal Code.
The Subotica Police Administration confirmed to us that the police officers went to the scene and carried out an investigation, noting that on that occasion no dead animals were found. The Subotica Police say that the Basic Public Ministry was informed about the fact, but also that today the competent inspections are known, which were not available last night. No comment could be obtained from the veterinary inspection.

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