Kni – The greatest tourist potentials of the Kni municipality are the unspoiled nature, the very air and the fantastic climate and that is exactly what will be used to the maximum.
Source: RINA

Photo: RINA
In other words, in the village of Vukovica the construction of the Sunev Breg complex is planned, which will cover 30 hectares, and the total investment amounts to about 30 million euros, which is the largest investment in the history of this municipality in the Umadija district.
“The investors proposed the initiative and we accepted it because the construction of this complex will be of great importance to all our neighbors. It is up to us, as local self-government, to draw up a detailed regulatory plan and provide all necessary conditions for investors. “Ultimately, all of our advantages based on traffic accessibility, preserved environment, rich cultural heritage and tradition of rural tourism and hunting will be used,” Kni Mayor Sreko Ili told Rina.

Photo: RINA
With the new concept of municipal development, construction of a unique tourist and business complex, visitors will have at their disposal apartments, hotels, pensions, commercial and restaurant premises, nursing home, rehabilitation center, ethno-museum, swimming pools, park aquatic, ethalite and parking lots. .
“Such complexes already exist throughout Europe, but it is the first time that something similar has been built in Serbia. It has multiple purposes and will be able to receive tourists, but also elderly people who need rehabilitation and medical attention. They can stay in a shared hospital, or they can choose a private apartment, and all the facilities that the complex has will be available to everyone. The Sunny Beach project is part of Knia’s new development concept in terms of tourism, and we expect the first works to start in the spring of next year, ”says Ili.

Photo: RINA / PE Directorate of Urbanism Kragujevac
Given the situation of the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that more and more people want to spend their holidays in a rural area with exceptional natural characteristics, the village of Vukovica in the Kni municipality has become extremely interesting for investors.
“The complex will be divided into two units, the first will cover 22.1 hectares and will include the aforementioned interference facilities for rest, treatment, and the second unit will include rural ethno-tourism, a mental park and other sports and recreational facilities. What is very important are the new jobs that will get methane ”, emphasizes Ili.
The plan has passed the legal drafting procedure and is now in the adoption decision-making phase, and the drafting of the plan is carried out by the PE Kragujevac Town Planning Department.

Photo: RINA