A completely unknown virus could come to Earth and do the worst!



05/10/2020 20:03

It may sound sensational, but this is the word of a scientist.

Astronauts walked through space

Astronauts walk through space, Photo: Profimedia

Stanford University professors warn that viruses from Mars could threaten humanity on Earth if astronauts are not careful.

Stanford University professor Scott Hubbard calls on NASA and other countries that have space programs to pay close attention to the missions they send to Mars. Because, he warns, the alien viruses that “hook” astronauts and spacecraft can endanger humanity when they return to Earth.

He points out that health protocols and measures must be implemented as soon as the mission returns to Earth and that they are treated in the same way as for other viruses we know of, especially Ebola.

“The spacecraft would have to undergo detailed dry cleaning and sterilization, and the samples from Mars would have to be treated as if it were Ebola until they are proven to be safe,” said this astronomy professor at Stanford University.


Mars, Photo: Shutterstock

As soon as they return to our planet, Hubbard continued, the astronauts would have to go to quarantine immediately.

In my opinion, but also in the opinion of the scientific community, the stones of Mars, which are millions of years old, are not very likely to contain active life that could endanger the Earth. But certainly samples brought from Mars to Earth must be well protected and treated as dangerous viruses until proven dangerous.“he points out in an interview with” Standford News “.

He recalled that the expeditions that went to the Moon spent days in quarantine on their return to Earth.

“The astronauts on the ‘Apollo’ ship, for example, were on carotene to determine that they had no signs of any disease. When it was determined that their stay on the Moon was not dangerous to them, the quarantine was no longer carried out. Such This procedure should be carried out, and when it comes to missions to the Red Planet (Mars), “he added.

Under NASA’s idea, which was revealed last year, people could start visiting (and inhabiting) Mars starting in 2035.
