A child who fell from the terrace with his mother for 12 days in serious condition


A three-year-old boy, who fell from the building in Lazarevac with his mother, has been in serious condition for 12 days in the Intensive Care Unit.

The three-year-old boy and his mother AE (29) fell from the terrace on the sixth floor of the building on Karadjordjeva street in the center of Lazarevac. The boy’s mother died on the spot. The boy was first treated at the Emergency Center of the Serbian Clinical Center, where, after diagnosis, he underwent emergency surgery, and was then transferred to the Tirsova University Children’s Clinic.

He had serious injuries to his head, abdomen and internal organs.

At the beginning of last week, she had another operation and Tirsova’s doctors performed an orthopedic procedure. On that occasion, the boy was treated with injuries to his elbow.

It is not yet known exactly how this tragedy occurred. Relatives assume that the boy was heading towards the terrace and that they both fell when his mother tried to save him. The family rejects any possibility that AE wanted to kill herself and her son.

At the time of this accident, AE’s husband, coming from the third shift, was asleep. He found out what happened when the police woke him up.


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Author: delivery courier
