A businessman killed with an ax, for which he ran over Aleksandar, the owner of a cafe, because of the singer!



29.08.2020. 07:00

The conflict between acquaintances took place in a tavern run by the murdered.

Aleksandar Keljevic

Aleksandar Keljević assassinated, Photo: Private archive

Aleksandar Keljević (49) aka Beli died as a result of the beating and trampling a car in Smederevo after, as suspected, the day before yesterday, around 2 am, in front of the cafe “Golden Horseshoe”, he was killed by a businessman Nenad Dragović (57) named Neca!

Nenad allegedly hit Aleksandar with an ax and shovel, and then ran him over with a “Mercedes”! Aleksandar died three hours later in Smederevo hospital and Nenad was arrested. A bloody ax and shovel were found next to his wrecked car.

As we learn, the conflict between acquaintances occurred in a cafe that was in the hands of the murdered, because of the music and the singer.

– Still being determined what happened. Some things are not clear due to the statements of various witnesses and the suspicion that a third person was involved in the crime. According to one version, Nenad ran over the victim after a fight, but another person is also mentioned, allegedly hitting Aleksandar with an ax, says the source. “Hello!And he adds:

– The conflict broke out because of the singer. Nenad arrived at the cafe with his worker, who was also detained, and with another person. They were happy, as was the owner of the cafe. They drank alcohol and asked for songs, and their attention was drawn to the attractive singer Dragana M. The first disagreements are said to have arisen when Nenad took over the music and demanded to play at his table. He asked the singer to sing to his ears and was supposedly arrogant and uneducated. Such behavior allegedly upset owner Aleksandar, so he yelled, “Enough!”, And brought the music to his desk. The discussion started and allegedly the Nenad worker jumped on Aleksandar. Security responded, kicking Nenad, his worker, and his friend out of the cafe. They reportedly left but soon returned. Then Aleksandar ran out of the bar, grabbed a shovel, and smashed Nenad’s windshield on an expensive car. That has been determined for now, and other eyewitness statements are being checked and determined, our source said.

Aleksandar Keljevic

Aleksandar Keljević, Photo: Private archive

According to him, there are two versions of the events told by eyewitnesses, and the main witnesses are the musicians.

– The Nenad worker ran out of the “Mercedes” and managed to steal a shovel from Aleksandar, for which he hit him with it. Nenad was also involved in the conflict. Aleksandar ended up falling on the hood of the “Mercedes”, and Nenad allegedly hit him with a car. According to another version of the witness, everything happened quickly. Aleksandar smashed the “Mercedes” with a shovel, and Nenad allegedly gave him the gas and ran him over. What exactly happened will be known after the results of the autopsy and analysis of the traces found arrive. It is interesting that two groups of eyewitnesses have a similar view of the tragedy, but again with significant differences – said our source.

As we have learned unofficially, the Nenad worker had caused problems in the cafe the night before, for which he was expelled. Singer Dragana M. reveals what really happened.

– Last week Aleksandar had problems with a guest from Nenad’s company. Then he attacked me and the music. He behaved inappropriately, so Aleksandar kicked him out. He texted me Thursday asking if he could come over to the pub. I passed the question to Alexander and he said he could. He came with a company, which included Nenad and his worker. They immediately started teasing me while I was singing for the Kovin guys. I approached Nenad’s company to defuse the situation, and one of his friends told me “they are going to kill someone tonight.” I thought the drunks were hitting. Alexander came up to me and asked if there was a problem and I said no. As he sang, there was a commotion. Someone told me that Alexander was beaten. I ran out and saw Nenad and his worker hitting him. The next moment, Alexander was run over. I poured water on it and it just gurgled. I won’t forget that scene! His chest was crushed and mutilated – says Dragana M. and adds:

– Alexander’s son got sick from sight. Then I heard that they were also planning to attack me because one of them had a knife. My friend was murdered, and only her employer – said the singer.
