A blood test detects cancer before symptoms appear.


The test is called a Cancer Locator and is designed to be done during routine blood tests.

American scientists have developed a new blood test that can help detect cancer cells before the first signs of the disease appear.

The new blood test not only detects a tumor, but also recognizes where it is in the body, the journal Genome Biology reported. This extraordinary discovery will allow doctors to diagnose cancer long before signs such as growths appear.

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reliquit. Post enim Chrysippum eum non sane est

The test is simple enough to be part of a routine annual checkup like any other blood count. Made by scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, it works by looking for DNA from tumors that circulate in the blood of people with cancer that the computer recognizes.

Tumors that grow in different parts of the body have a different footprint that the computer can recognize.

The diagnosis of non-invasive cancer is very important, it allows the early diagnosis of cancer and the earlier the cancer is detected, the greater the chances that the patient will overcome the disease, says University of California professor Jasmin Zou and co-author of the study .

A type of cancer is also diagnosed from the blood sample. The technology requires more refinement, but the potential benefits are enormous. To do this blood test, a team from the USA. USA He created a computer database that contains specific causes of molecules that appear in tissues when a tumor is present.

Some markers of DNA damage are shown regardless of the cancer present, while others are specific to the type of tissue they originated from, such as the lungs or liver. A molecular standard was also established for non-cancerous samples. The test was tested ten times on blood samples from 29 patients with liver cancer, 12 patients with lung cancer and five with breast cancer.

The test identified eight out of ten cancers and gave a false result in less than one sample in 100 other people.
