A beautiful, symbolic and reciprocal gesture from Vučić


The leader of the Democratic Action Party (SDA), Bakir Izetbegovic, said that the donation from Serbia and its president Aleksandar Vucic of 10,000 doses of vaccines destined for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was a beautiful and symbolic gesture, and that “a few thousand vaccines will not change anything ”.

“It’s a symbolic gesture from Vučić.” People are being vaccinated en masse in Serbia, but unfortunately, the epidemic is spreading five times faster in Serbia than in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so I don’t think that will change things in any way. meaningful, but every gesture of goodwill is welcome, “Izetbegović told reporters in Sarajevo.

He added that he sees the gift from Serbia as a reciprocal gesture “to what Bosnia and Herzegovina did a few months ago” when the situation in Sandzak was very difficult.

“At that time, the health system in Serbia was under strain and could not care for those people in Sandzak, and our doctors went to help,” Izetbegović said.

Speaking about the relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, the SDA leader expressed his hope that “difficult problems will be solved.”

Today, the President of Serbia was in Sarajevo and donated 10,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines, destined for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

