A beautiful girl was the key to the action! See how the robberies were carried out (VIDEO)


Spanish police arrested a nine-member Serbian criminal group, among whose members was a woman, on suspicion that they were members of a gang that robbed tourists on the road to Catalonia, reports the Catalunpres portal.

Same scenario

According to them, the detainees are between 35 and 45 years old, and are accused of carrying out at least 30 robberies in the last nine months.

– They always stole according to the same scenario. A woman stood in the road stop lane and called for help. As soon as someone stopped to help, helpers would get out of the car next to her and steal things and valuables from another car, they report.

In some cases, the victims had their tires punctured and followed until the driver stopped the vehicle.

– If it stopped, they would offer help and then steal it again – reports the portal.

Stole money and jewelry

Spanish police now suspect that they stole more than € 40,000 in cash and € 38,000 in jewelry, branded bags or electronic devices.

– Some 100 policemen participated in the detention operation – affirms the Spanish portal.

Kurir.rs/ JS

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
