A 50-FLOOR SKYSCRAPER IS BURNING IN THE EMIRATES, parts of the building are falling on the street, everything reminds us of the TOWER OF HELL (VIDEO)


Tonight a terrible fire broke out around 9 p.m. local time in the city of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), when the fire began to swallow a skyscraper with more than 50 floors!

Witnesses say parts of the building, which is almost completely on fire, are falling on the streets, and large numbers of fire crews are in the field, trying to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to nearby residential buildings.

Police are using drones to check for people trapped inside, said Col. Dr. Ali Abu Al Zud, deputy director general of operations for central police in Sharjah.

According to “Gulf today”, the skyscraper was evacuated on time, firefighters removed up to 250 families from the building, so according to the first information, for now, no one is injured, although the scenes of the scene are quite catastrophic.

According to the latest information from the Emirates, firefighters managed to contain the fire to some degree, and for now there is no danger of the skyscraper collapsing.

Thousands of residents, as well as neighbors of nearby buildings, are on the streets and follow the intervention of the firefighters with care, but also with fear.

In addition, many nearby buildings were evacuated.

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