This group of public sector workers will not receive raises as of January



11.17.2020. 09:38

While some 400,000 public sector employees will receive a pay increase starting in January, a large number of public sector workers will not receive a raise. It turns out that it is about 90,000 employees in public companies.

Post office, counter

counter, Photo: Hello! / Ana Paunković

Exactly 87,793 workers work in public companies, and all received a salary increase in January of this year. They received a higher salary by five percent in 2019, but not this year.

“The plan to increase wages for next year does not include them,” said a source from the Belgrade daily Nemanjina 11, adding that they were public companies from “Resavica”, passing through “Srbijagas”, “EPS”, ” Roads of Serbia “. “Post”, “Srbijasuma” …

Do you work in the public sector?

Average salaries in some public companies are higher, by the way, up to 40 percent of the average salary in the country. The largest number of public companies can boast earnings of more than 70,000 dinars. Only a few have a salary below the national average of about 60,000 dinars.

According to data from the Ministry of Finance for July this year, the average salary in the public sector is 68,144 dinars. At the same time, it was 81,107 dinars in public companies, while a year earlier it was 80,888 dinars in those same companies, which now have no right to increase.

The directors of public companies must inform the Government in detail about expenses, business trips, sponsorships, employment … Every dinar that public companies receive from the budget, as well as all other income, as well as expenses, will be subject to scrutiny . . In addition, the directors must show how they spent the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 earnings, but also explain each dinar of the loan taken.

Money, dinars

Money, dinars, Photo: Shutterstock

The Serbian Government has passed a Decree asking the directors of public companies to accurately present their business for the next year, that is, for the three-year period 2021-2023. years. According to the official document, they will have to explain their business to the Government in detail and accurately declare how they will spend the money, both in investments and in representation.

They will also have to determine precise objectives for the next period, the channels through which they will make profits, but also the ways to verify their fulfillment.

The application list also includes information on job openings, gender and age structure of employees, applications for new jobs and plans to hire new people.

Until April 2012, the salaries of employees of users of budget funds and users of mandatory social insurance funds were in line with, inter alia, the growth rate of consumer prices. While from October 2012 to April 2014, salaries increased by a fixed percentage, in October 2012 and April 2013 by two percent and in October 2013 and April 2014 by 0.5 percent.

After that, a special fiscal rule was introduced, which requires the reduction of wage expenditures to a sustainable level, so that the share of general government wages in GDP is reached at a certain level of GDP.
