Vesić on the reduction of working hours


Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić said that the working hours of the catering companies were shortened because some clubs did not respect the prohibition measures and organized celebrations and concerts after 11pm.

“If they did not respect the prohibition to work after 11 at night, these clubs will probably not respect the work limit until 9 at night. That is why it is necessary that all state bodies participate in the implementation of the amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, not only communal militias and communal inspectors “. The city of Belgrade and the municipalities of the city, “Vesić told TV Happy.

He affirmed that the changes in the law were not approved to punish citizens, but arrogant hoteliers who are not interested in whether someone will be infected at their concerts.

According to him, it is not the people who attend the concerts who are responsible, but rather the organizers who earn money at those concerts and violate working hours, “thus committing a crime and having the criminal responsibility of intentionally spreading a contagious disease.”

He stated that the city’s crisis staff will pay special attention to public transport and the use of masks because it is impossible to cover the distance, and taxi associations will be ordered not to receive customers without masks and will only be able to drive them in the seat rear, Beoinfo reported.

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