Ana Brnabić on new measures related to the coronavirus


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated that the Government of Serbia has made the decision to limit the working hours of most facilities, except for pharmacies, gas stations and food delivery, until 9 pm

I accepted the advice of the expert part of the Crisis Staff to introduce even more restrictive measures in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus, and the Government decided to limit the work of everything at this time, especially the catering facilities, but also stores, shopping malls …, food delivery, gas stations and economy, “Brnabić said after the emergency session of the Serbian government.

Brnabic said it would start the new measures from Tuesday.

“We will start with the measures from Tuesday, November 17, because we want to give everyone one day to adjust and organize around this,” he said.

This measure, he added, will last 15 days, that is, until December 1.

There will be no school closings

Brnabic says that when it comes to school, “nothing changes.”

“Schools at the moment … I am absolutely in favor of schools continuing to function, not closing. Children are the safest in schools. In primary schools in Serbia we have 39 infected students, of which 20 in Belgrade, in secondary schools we have 52 kovid is positive, 22 of them in Belgrade. I hope it is clear to you how stable, safe and good the situation is in schools and how disciplined the students and teachers are, “said Brnabić.

Speaking about introducing the mandatory use of outdoor masks, Brnabić says he’s thinking about it.

“We will think about it, but I believe much more in the conscience of individuals than in criminal policy. We have introduced penalties as a mechanism that will help us a little, but it is not a fight that we can win alone, or that each individual tries or miss. We don’t do enough inspections to visit everything, but we must not play cat and mouse, chase … “said the Prime Minister.

He added that the next measure is the driving ban, but that the Government is not there for that and that such a measure will not be adopted if it is not necessary.

“Now we are not thinking about it, the predictions are that this measure will give results and that the numbers will start to decline,” said the Prime Minister.

Serbia in the green zone, the lowest mortality rate

Brnabic said that Serbia currently has one of the lowest death rates in Europe, but also in the world, and that this is best demonstrated by the knowledge and commitment of healthcare workers. He says that the death rate in Serbia is 1.3 percent and he thinks that there are only a few countries below us in the region and Europe, and that all the others have a higher death rate.

“We also have more free beds in hospitals, which is not the case in many EU countries,” the prime minister said, adding that several countries must send patients to other countries.

“We are far from this stage and I don’t think we will get close to it at any time.”

It also says that in Serbia, the result of the crown test is obtained in an average of five hours of waiting for an average of five hours, and that the results in many other countries are expected more than five days.

“When you look at it from the other side, despite these dire numbers and the situation in the region and Europe, we are still in the green zone with 1,110 registered per 100,000 inhabitants, only Albania has less of us, and we cannot compare the number of those examined in Albania with the number of those examined in our country, “said Brnabić.

He said now is the right time to introduce additional measures and “try to stay in this.”

“We managed to level the curve, but we have to level it for a few more days before it starts to fall,” Brnabic said.

He stressed that economically, Serbia will end this year as the best performing country in Europe.

Likewise, it transmitted that as of November 13, the implementation of the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases began and that as of November 13, mandatory fines were imposed for non-compliance with the measures.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
