Zagorka Dolovac: They are deliberately undermining the prosecution for personal or political reasons


They are deliberately undermining the prosecution for personal, private or political interests, the Republic prosecutor Zagorka Dolovac told Vecernje Novosti, in response to an interview with KRIK by the president of the Belgrade High Court, Aleksandar Stepanovic.

Stepanovic then said yes there is not a single case of high corruption in the courts, and that the problem is that the prosecution does not initiate such cases.

“It seems to me that this part of Judge Stepanovic’s interview was deliberately extracted and maliciously exploited by the media as part of the negative campaign against the Prosecutor’s Office, in the interest of the supposed public interest and journalistic professionalism. system in the country for the sake of certain interests, whether private or political, “said Dolovac News.

He also says that it is not the court to which the prosecution submits a report of its work, but to the National Assembly, and highlights that the analyzes of the judiciary by national and international institutions show that the problems, especially with the duration of the processes and decision-making are related to the courts.

“I consider the aforementioned comments of Judge Stepanović inappropriate, especially those that unjustifiably and flatly evaluate the work of the entire prosecution service. Court officials are not those who report on our work on the basis of the law, but the Assembly National and international institutions show that the problems, especially with the duration of the processes and decision-making, are more related to the courts than to the prosecution offices, which Judge Stepanovic forgot to mention, ”he said.

According to her, state systems and ideal societies do not exist.

“I have never idealized the situation in our society, nor is it possible, as I have been dealing with severe forms of illegal behavior of individuals for decades. I do not believe that ideal state systems and societies exist today. In one of those Scandinavian countries, it does not very much his citizen because of his political convictions, he killed 77 young people and children, some of whom were only 14. If that is prosperity, then I don’t want it in Serbia that way, “he said.

In an interview with KRIK, Stepanović said that the formation of the anti-corruption department in the prosecution and court in 2018 gave him hope, but that expectations were betrayed.

“I recently said that there is room for improvement in the fight against corruption and I hope that additional results will be seen soon. But I believe that said statement (by Stepanović) does not hold up. According to the Public Ministry of the Republic, of March 1, 2018 as of June 30, 2020 Since the establishment of the Special Anti-Corruption Departments in the four superior prosecutor’s offices, these divisions have processed more than 24,000 criminal charges, have filed charges against 2,163 defendants, have convicted 1,295 people and only 39 acquittals. quality and quantity work of prosecutors in the fight against corruption I do not agree that they are less socially dangerous crimes All corruption crimes represent a significant danger to society In the fight against corruption, the cooperation of citizens, companies and institutions with us, so I call on them to help us in that fight, ”said Dolovac.

“I don’t react to pressure”

Speaking of the criminal charges brought against him by the leaders of some opposition parties, Dolovac says there is no information about them.

“The criminal charges were immediately referred to the competent prosecutors, and I have no further information on them, considering that my interest would be a conflict of interest,” he explained.

When asked if it is pressure on the judiciary, Dolovac says he does not react to the pressure.

“I have no doubt that the intention of those who presented these reports is an attempt to influence the prosecution, including myself, but without success. Influencing the prosecution is prohibited by law. I do not react to pressure,” he emphasized.

About why he is not in the media, he says that the prosecution is announcing 2 things that are within its competence. “

“On this occasion, I will say that RJT does not act directly in cases before the criminal chambers of the courts of first instance. In 2010 I repealed the mandatory instruction that prohibited the prosecutors of first instance to communicate independently with the media, allowing to those responsible to inform the public about the cases There is interest, according to the law, the PPT has so far regularly disseminated matters within its competence, but this is ignored by the media and the public, and highlights the legal possibility, not the rule, that this prosecutor’s office can act in the case that there must be a reason for such action to determine why the competent prosecutor’s offices cannot proceed, so it is evident that this is a completely extraordinary possibility that has been recorded in history so far. only during wars. The second legal reason is to obtain information about cases from a lower prosecutor, not hope, such as s e misinterprets, and that materializes in the labor control process when there is a need, ”said Dolovac.
