The number of infected continues to grow: a new record in Serbia


Until the last cut, 3,822 new infected people were registered in Serbia. 17 people died.

Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos / Delusions

Photo: Depositphotos / Delusions

14,015 people were tested.

3,693 people were hospitalized and 163 people used respirators.

This is the highest number of new infected in one day so far in Serbia.

The number of hospitalized is also growing and the authorities are asking citizens to take care of themselves because the number of places in hospitals is decreasing.

The headquarters of the crisis met on Thursday and it is expected that new measures will be taken to suppress the epidemic.

The epidemiologist Predrag Kon announced the measures proposed by the medical part of the Crisis Staff.

“Everyone received instructions on how to work, cafes, classrooms, kindergartens, to implement measures. Masks are mandatory indoors, we have proposed it outdoors, especially in pedestrian areas. We have proposed to shorten the working hours of the facilities to two hours for two weeks, where people meet at night, ”said Dr. Predrag Kon on Friday.

Due to the serious situation with the coronavirus in Serbia, amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases came into force on Friday, and more rigorous sanctions will be implemented for non-compliance with the measures for hours.
