In the next 7 days, a new jump of patients


ĐERLEK ALARM FORECAST: In the next 7 days, a new jump in patients

Photo: Printscreen TV Pink

BELGRADE – Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, said that a further increase in the number of people suffering from coronavirus is expected in the next seven days.

“The Ministry of Health will do everything possible to provide each patient with the necessary care, as well as hospital treatment, if necessary,” Djerlek told reporters after the conference dedicated to World Diabetes Day.

Djerlek also claimed that in the last 24 hours, a large number of citizens called the competent kovid ambulances and that the doctors were very busy.

“Belgrade remains the most critical of Serbia,” he noted.

Djerlek appealed to citizens, especially young people, to adhere to all the prescribed measures, especially during the weekend, and to stay at home with their families.


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