Another 3,499 new cases, 17 people died, on 158 respirators – Society


From yesterday to today, 3,499 new cases of coronavirus have been registered in Serbia and 17 people have died. A total of 77,264 people have contracted the virus in our country so far and 972 deaths have been registered.

Another 3,499 new cases, 17 people died, on respirators 158 1Photo: FoNet / AP

There are currently 3,564 patients in the hospital, of which 158 are on respirators.

In the last 24 hours, 14,116 people were tested, and a total of 1,482,280 since March.

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, said today that it will be known in the coming days if new protection measures will be adopted against the coronavirus, adding that it is useless to adopt them if the existing ones are not implemented beforehand.

In a press conference after the Crisis Personnel session, Djerlek said that the amendments to the law on the protection of citizens against infectious diseases should not be exclusively criminal policy measures, but rather a means to control the implementation of measures already taken and something to help control the situation. .

“If everyone were lucky enough to respect the measures taken, it would be enough to defend us against the crown.” But a group of irresponsible people is creating problems for us, “he said.

Djerlek said that “nothing stops” the adoption of new measures, but that a balance must be created between protecting health and saving the economy.

“We have to learn to live with this virus, until the vaccine arrives,” he said.

According to his estimate, between 90 and 95 percent of citizens respect the measures, and therefore Serbia has a “solid situation” with respect to the crown, especially in relation to other countries in the region.

“Life in Serbia and the economy cannot stop either.” We have analyzed each segment and we have to find a good balance between protecting health and the economy, “he said.

At the beginning of the weekend, Djerlek appealed to young people not to visit clubs and other places where there are large crowds and where there is a danger of transmission of the virus.

“We understand what youth is, but we need solidarity and unity and we all try to resist a terrible disease,” he said.

Right now, patients of all ages are hospitalized. Most of the deceased are elderly, and among those hospitalized there are many between 20 and 40 years old who present a severe clinical picture.

There are no concrete things that stand in the way of action, but each special segment is analyzed to better influence those who violate the measures, Djerlek noted, adding that he would recommend to citizens of Serbia to get vaccinated, that the vaccine will have to be approved by the Medicines Agency. , and it will be free.

The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff Predrag Kon told TV NovaS today that the medical part of the staff proposed this Thursday to Prime Minister Ana Brnabic to shorten the working hours of the clubs and stressed that such a measure was necessary, but that the first Minister asked for time to think about it. transmitted by the portal

The Health Minister, Zlatibor Lončar, said today, after the meeting with the directors of the covid hospitals, that the decision-making process on new measures in the fight against the coronary virus pandemic in Serbia is underway.

The immunologist and member of the Crisis Staff Srdja Jankovic warns RTS that the epidemiological situation is not improving and that, although protection measures are tightened, the most important thing is to avoid contacts that are not necessary, and for those that are , they must wear a mask and keep their distance.

There is no real cure for the virus, but we should not give it room to multiply, because that will reduce the number of sick and dead, and we have to wait for a successful vaccine that must be effective and safe, said today a member of the Staff of Crisis Mijomir Pelemis for RTS. .

In the last 24 hours, 3,056 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection were registered in Croatia and 43 people died, the National Civil Protection Headquarters announced today.

The highest number of coronaviruses newly infected with the virus was recorded today in Germany, 23,542, according to new data from the German Robert Koch Institute.

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