Virus still wild, 3,341 newly infected, 19 dead, 151 fighting for their lives on respirators


LAST CROSS SECTION OF THE CROWN: Virus still wild, 3,341 newly infected, 19 dead, 151 fighting for their lives with respirators

Photo: Shutterstock, Printscreen

In the last 24 hours, 13,008 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 3,341 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 19 patients died.

There are currently 151 patients on ventilators in Serbian hospitals.

Since the start of the pandemic, 73,765 people have fallen ill with the coronavirus, while 955 patients have died. So far, a total of 1,468,146 people have been tested.

There are 1,368 new infected people in Belgrade, representing 41% of the total number of positive cases in the previous 24 hours.

photo: Printscreen

Today a Crisis Staff session was held, in which one of the main topics was the working day in cafes and clubs. After the session, Dr. Predrag Kon explained the situation in Serbia.

The new garden is key

Behind Belgrade is still Novi Sad (288), where a jump of 113 new infections was registered compared to yesterday. Then follow Nis (122), Pancevo (79), Valjevo (78), Kraljevo (71), Zrenjanin (70), Sabac (53), Cacak (51), Backa Palanka (40), Krusevac (38), Sombor 36 ), Bor (32), Jagodina (32) and Loznica (30).

Other cities and municipalities had fewer than 30 positive cases in the last 24 hours.

– The session discussed what is necessary, and that is to define isolation, quarantine, transport, which are measures of various personal restrictions that we must respect, and competencies and inspections are also defined! That is the essence of the changes, which are much easier, they allow everyone to do their job – said the epidemiologist after the session.

Kon emphasized that citizens are in no way aware of the dire situation we find ourselves in.


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