LEČIĆ REQUESTS MEETING WITH THE MINISTER: The decision on who is the leader of the Democratic Party can only be made in December


If that does not happen, he will request an appointment with the new Minister of State Administration and Local Autonomy, Marija Obradović.

Lecic, for “Novosti”, adds that they delivered all the additional documentation to the Ministry, which was still requested by the former Minister Branko Ruzic. However, considering that the last requested “work” was presented last Friday, November 6, since then, that is, since the completion of the documentation, the legal period of 30 days in which the Ministry must make a decision is beginning to run. This means that the Ministry could only “cut” at the beginning of December if the president of the DS is Lecic or Zoran Lutovac.

– I really hope you don’t wait that long. Personally, I think that politics will not interfere, because legally everything is clear – says Lecic.

He says that if he becomes the legal representative of the party, he will invite Lutovac to stay in the party and even establish his own faction within the party. He is also convinced that an unprecedented situation in a match in Serbia could work. However, Lutovac has so far rejected such proposals, saying Lecic “has nothing to offer, because he was removed from DS membership.”

– From the beginning, Lutovac behaved in a way that denied reality. He violated all living things, both democratic and statutory, and created an atmosphere that does not suit the Democrats and disturbs the strength of the DS. Regardless of all that, I will try to have a positive approach, says Lecic.

As things stand now, the saga of who is the president of the DS will not end even when the Ministry of State Administration makes a decision. In other words, Lutovac has already announced that if the decision is in favor of Lecic, it will file an appeal with the Administrative Court and even initiate a process against those responsible in the Ministry.

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