He broke into the building to do drugs and there was chaos with security.


An incident occurred in the building of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, when a young man faced a conflict with security shortly before 11 a.m. today.

Naiem, the young man entered with the intention of taking drugs, after which he attacked the cleaning lady. At that moment, security reacted and kicked him out, but the conflict continued in front of the door.

The young man kept yelling at the security guard, and at one point even threatened him.

“I don’t yell, I talk like that because I’m mentally ill,” he said.

A security guard told him to know where to go in that case, and the young man offered to “take him”. At one point, it seemed that the verbal conflict might escalate.

– Just touch me, I’m going to break you – soon the young man began to threaten.

However, it all ended peacefully and the rattle finally left, but said he would return.


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Author: delivery courier
