VACCINATION IN SERBIA MAY BE MANDATORY: Here are the penalties for those who refuse


Administrative obstacles due to which it has not been possible in practice to implement Crisis Personnel measures to combat the kovid 19 epidemic and punish those who do not respect them, are overcome through amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Diseases Infectious, approved by the Government of Serbia. Parliament will also decide on Sunday.

The amendments to the relatively new Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases were an extortion of problems to punish those who violated the anti-epidemic measures during the Kovid 19 epidemic. The competence to control the implementation of these measures should have been regulated by law.

Thus, according to the new law, when it is approved and begins to apply, all those people who have walked freely so far, despite being positive for SARS-KoV-2, but without symptoms or with a mild clinical picture of the disease , shall be home insulation. This measure will be valid for all infected people who are not in the hospital, and will be ordered by a specialist in infectious diseases or another doctor, in accordance with the order of the corresponding minister. The same doctor will inform the competent epidemiological service and who will control compliance with this measure will be prescribed by the Government of Serbia.

Amendments to the law stipulate, among other things, that due to the epidemic, the recommended or mandatory emergency vaccination can be determined. against infectious diseases for all or certain categories of the population. While for all other vaccines the costs are regulated by the laws on health care and health insurance, which are mandatory and free or recommended by the insured, special immunization during the pandemic can be financed from the Serbian budget, in accordance with a special government law.

The law also prescribes penalties for those who refuse mandatory immunization, and Dr. Verica Jovanovic spoke for “Blic” about that.

– According to article 85 of the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, a fine of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars is foreseen for a natural person if he refuses mandatory immunization at a certain age, as well as a person physical that does not act in accordance with the rules, decisions or orders. according to this law, which determines the measures of protection of the population against infectious diseases, which would probably be the case when it comes to compulsory emergency immunization by order of the Minister of Health – explains Dr. Jovanovic.

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