Healer doctor arrested, case before the prosecution!



Photo: Prinstcreen / Twiter

The most recent example of charlatanism in Serbia is the case of the Belgrade herbalist doctor, when he was arrested by the police on suspicion of participating in illegal treatment, as bystanders saw naked men coming for treatment in front of his house in Zvezdara, and Kurir wrote about it. The Interior Ministry confirmed that they had spoken with Travar.

– The competent Prosecutor’s Office was informed of everything, and stated that the people who reported this case could file a criminal complaint with the First Basic Public Ministry – announced the Ministry of the Interior.

“The half-naked people of Zvezdara wait in line for the ‘doctor’ who sprays them with liquid against the crown. What about these people?” That was the end of the tweet that attracted a lot of public attention yesterday.

As previously reported by the Women’s portal, something unusual happened in Zvezdara. That is, several semi-naked people gathered in front of the entrance of the house of the herbalist Momo, who “cures” skin diseases. Although it was first rumored that the herbalist “healed the crown,” it turned out that people came for other problems. However, that does not diminish the fact that in 2020 we are going to undergo quasi-medical therapies, in the midst of a pandemic about which we hear mostly devastating data every day.

Crown numbers in Serbia have skyrocketed in the last month, so despite encouraging news that the highly effective “Pfizer” vaccine will soon appear on the market, people are scared and anxious. .

Our people have a saying: “Whoever burns himself with milk, also blows yogurt”, and now many have reached that stage. Little by little we lose patience, we are scared and insecure in the fight against the enemy, from which even the experts learn something new every day. Add to that negligence, false information, and you have a madman who stops believing in well-being.

From Zvezdara comes an extremely strange image: naked people in November, a few kilometers from the center of the capital, who are “treated” by a quasi-doctor. It is true that it sounds like a low budget apocalyptic movie, according to this portal.

(Kurir.rs/Blic Žena)

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