Most newly infected so far: 2,823, 14 more patients died



30 workers of “Ziđin” in Bor were infected

Thirty workers of the Chinese company “Zidjin” were infected with the coronavirus, announced the Headquarters of Emergency Situations of the City of Bor.

According to Sasa Perisic, person in charge of protection in the work of this company, 150 people who were in contact with the infected are now in self-isolation.

As announced, no workers in China have tested positive for coronavirus so far.


The number of cases in Prokuplje is growing, the “Leoni” factory is a source of infection

The number of new infected with kovid-19 in Prokuplje is growing, the virus was confirmed in 214 patients in 20 days.

At the general hospital “Dr. Aleksa Savić” in Prokuplje, 18 patients are currently hospitalized in the infection department, eight of whom test positive for kovid-19.

In Žitorađa, 41 people were infected with the crown.

It is worrying that an increasing number of patients are coming from the two plants of the “Leoni” factory in Prokuplje and Malošište, where thousands of workers currently work.

“The biggest problems arise from those large companies, like” Leoni “, where the focus of infection is, at least, our policyholders, who appear in our country,” says Aleksandar Stanković, director of the Žitorađa Health Center.

That, despite all the measures taken to suppress the virus, the crown still enters one of the most numerous factories in southern Serbia, it was confirmed to RTS in “Leonija” itself, where they point out that currently 30 workers at the plant of Prokuplje are in home treatment.

They also claim that everything indicates that workers were exposed to the virus outside the production halls.


Five more died in Kosovo and Metohija, 596 newly infected

In Kosovo and Metohija, in areas under the supervision of the Pristina health system, five people died from kovida-19 in the last 24 hours.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, 773 people have died and, according to doctors, other accompanying diseases.

The Pristina Institute of Public Health recorded 596 new cases of coronavirus infection based on the tests of 1,559 samples.

A total of 25,388 people have been infected in Kosovo and Metohija since the outbreak of the epidemic. 16,362 cases were cured and 8,253 cases were active.


Half of the newly infected in Belgrade, followed by Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac

Of the 2,823 confirmed cases in the last 24 hours, 1,423 are from Belgrade, which is more than half of the newly infected.

Novi Sad follows with 155 cases of infection, Nis 118, Kragujevac 106, Kraljevo 62, Valjevo 56, Pancevo 50, Sabac 44, Zrenjanin 37, Cacak 37, Vranje 32, while other cities register less than 30 new cases.


On the ventilator 126 patients

In the past 24 hours, 13,091 people were tested in Serbia, and 2,823 of them were confirmed to have coronavirus.

Another 14 people lost the fight with kovid-19.

There are 126 patients on respirators.

The number of hospitalized is also increasing, especially in Belgrade. Director of the Zemun Clinical Hospital Center, prof. Dr. Dragoš Stojanović told RTS that the health institution re-entered the kovid regimen and that they received 225 patients for treatment in a day and a half. I’m afraid we will fill all capacities in less than a day and a halfStojanović said.

90% of the capacity at KBC Bežanijska kosa is full, while 434 kovid patients are currently housed in the temporary hospital at the “Stark Arena” in Belgrade, and more than 250 people are receiving oxygen therapy.

The coordinator of the temporary hospital, Dr. Vlado Batnožić, told RTS that yesterday they received 38 patients, that the “Stark Arena” is filling up quickly and that they are mostly heavier patients, who have unilateral or bilateral pneumonia.

And the “Chair” of Nis is beginning to receive patients. The temporary covid hospital of the “Silla” ward was opened and entered the covid system, so as of today, it is accepting the first patients who have a moderate and mild clinical picture, the hospital coordinator, Dr. Goran Mitrović.

The coronavirus entered a preschool in Leskovac. The coronavirus was confirmed in 12 employees of the preschool institution “Vukica Mitrović”, Dr. Zorana Kulić, an epidemiologist at the Leskovac Institute of Public Health, told RTS. He noted that among the children attending kindergartens in Leskovac, for now there are no patients.
