This is where the Colombian goes every day and what she does


  • You are not satisfied with your cooperation with your supervisor. She believes that much more demanding business obligations than those that she assigns to him suit her. You give love …

  • Try to solve seemingly unforeseen difficulties on the fly. Turns out you need a lot more time for them. …

  • You are quite inventive and come up with new ways to implement plans in a much faster way. You don’t feel good in a relationship. Trust is not there and …

  • You are satisfied with the cooperation with foreign partners. The influx of finances gives you the necessary sense of security. The relationship is in crisis. A loved one thinks that she very …

  • You are interested in new business ideas, which you find great. You try to apply them, but you find that you still have to work on them. …

  • You are totally focused on work. Double check the entire workflow to correct the error. You are not satisfied with the relationship. What …

  • The situation at work is stable and you are satisfied. Your ex never leaves your mind. You finally realize that many relationship problems are caused by your …

  • Work is on hold, which worries you a lot. You are trying to find a way to start a business. You are emotionally overwhelmed. Partner …

  • There are problems communicating with colleagues. You try to solve problems peacefully, but the other side is too stubborn. …

  • Your views are quite rigid. You lack the necessary space and openness to the views on the other side. Emotions worked for you, but they …

  • Its business objective is to work on a joint project with foreign partners. Initiate contact and try to interest them. Your behavior bothers you …

  • You are quite inventive. You are focused on developing new business ideas and are satisfied with the progress of the process. You are not satisfied with the behavior of your partner. …

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