About the epidemiological situation H1 Serbia



The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, affirmed that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is worrying and evaluated that the number of new infected by coronavirus is expected to increase by the end of the week.

Speaking on Pink TV, Djerlek again appealed to citizens to respect the measures.

“Everything depends on us, we can finally choose to discipline and help ourselves and the state, or behave irresponsibly like a large group of people behave,” said the secretary of state.

Commenting on the increase in the number of hospitalized and the data that 409 patients with moderate clinical symptoms were housed in the temporary covid hospital in the Belgrade Arena and that 101 were left vacant, Đerlek said that he encouraged that as of today KBC Zemun at full capacity in the covid system. but he also warned that even that would not be enough if “such arrogant behavior by a group of irresponsible people” continues.

He added that a drastic tightening of the measures is not currently being considered.

“There is a lot of politicization throughout Serbia. This is not a fight for elections, but a fight for every life in Serbia,” said the Secretary of State.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
