Radojicic: There is still room for calls to respect epidemiological measures


The mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojicic, assessed that “there is still room to appeal” to the people to respect the epidemiological measures, that everyone should be personally responsible, as well as that he hopes that the Crisis Staff will introduce new measures in the next session. .

Commenting on allegations that last night’s ambulance treated Belgrade covid patients in the surrounding cities, Radojicic told RTS that the situation was “extremely serious”.

“I also believe in medicine that all these new solutions that are being developed will pay off,” Radojicic said.

When asked if he thinks measures should be tightened at the capital level, that is, to shorten the working hours of catering services, he said that the city’s crisis headquarters only implements nationally prescribed measures and that Therefore, the responsibility lies with the Serbian government. .

“We have to make a cross-section, people are also psychosociologically exhausted by the measures, we see that in countries that have introduced more stringent measures, people are trying elsewhere … The right decision must be made at the right time and I think (will happen) in the next session. ” Crisis staff, ”said the mayor.

He added that the agency would meet tomorrow or Wednesday, November 11, as well as that during the weekend 100 inspections were carried out at the catering facilities and 46 premises, among which nine violations were determined for non-compliance with the measures.

“We got the most important construction site in Belgrade and Serbia”

Preparatory work has begun on the construction of a new building for the Children’s Clinic – “Tiršove 2”, it says RTS Mayor of Belgrade Zoran Radojicic.

Speaking in RTS newspaper about the construction of new health facilities, Zoran Radojicic noted that he had great news and that citizens got the most important construction site in Belgrade, Serbia and the region.

“The excavators are already there, that ground is being prepared, we hope to do the foundation and the first slab in the spring and, God willing, put it under the roof,” says Radojicic.

“Tiršova 2” will have an area of ​​66,000 square meters, up to 40,000 medical spaces, and the operating room and intensive care will have 10,000 square meters, “says Radojicic.

He adds that the value of the work is around one hundred million euros, but believes that it cannot be measured in money.

“We got the most important construction site in Belgrade and Serbia, considering that we will build a hospital where our children will be treated in the most modern conditions,” concluded the mayor of Belgrade.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
