From the line, kovid is “read differently”, as citizens say in front of the ambulance


According to official data, in the last 24 hours a smaller number of infected people was registered: 802, but the percentage of positive in the test is also significantly lower. 7,487 people were tested, about a thousand more than yesterday. The percentage of positives in the test fell from 22.1 percent yesterday to 10.1 percent. 7 people died, which is a total of 833 since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,242 were hospitalized and currently there are 57 patients on respirators.

“When you come here and look at these people, you realize how serious it is, when it’s 110, 150 or 280, and when you see a full kovid ambulance, you probably think … then it works differently,” says one citizen .

Should this impression be accompanied by the conclusion that some other belgrader who did not queue today in front of the Kovid ambulance, does not agree that November 2 is more critical or at least as critical as the last, extraordinary, spring? ? It may be necessary to look for the answer in the impression of someone who examines the lungs of citizens on a daily basis.

N1: There is no concrete reaction to some new state measures, so what can you suggest?

“Curfew, we won’t last, I work here, there’s a lot of rush. On Saturday we had 116 patients in X-rays in six hours with two people working, we are simply decimated ”, says the health employee.

Tightening the measurements, right?

“I took the test result, it is negative, and otherwise I use the transport five times a day, I go to the stores and everything, I keep the mask and what else.”

N1: So you think we don’t need additional measures?

“I do not see …”

“The measures must be toughened, and not just one, the cafes and the rest must be closed before.”

N1: What about curfew?

“Not yet”.

“We are not exactly here as we should be, the only thing that should close clubs and cafes is the most dangerous.”

Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff, responds that there is currently no legal framework for the adoption of emergency measures, reiterates that, as he says, it is possible to act more efficiently in a state of emergency and warns through the networks social.

“During this and next week, we will be at the maximum (peak) of the third wave. During this period, avoid all crowds and gatherings. Act as if a movement ban has been introduced from 19:00 to 05:00. If you still have to leave the house “Always wear a protective mask, especially indoors,” Kon wrote.

And the state president concludes that the coronavirus is causing problems and that hospitals are getting more crowded.

“We have a crisis headquarters, we will implement the measures they say, but I ask you to think why our economy should work … whatever they say, we will have to take measures,” Vucic said.

“None of his decisions and actions were in the interest of public health, but solely for the purpose of the political game of some other people, if the numbers are large, the control must exist, but it seems that the crisis headquarters knows about masks and curfew, and that nothing happens in between, those are the only threats we receive, not everything can be left in the hands of the citizens “, says epidemiologist Ivana Prokić and one of the signatories of the United Against Kovid petition.

The fact is that kovid’s official figures are now incomparably higher than those of March and April, when the travel ban was introduced. The final conclusion of the crisis staff is: we will not introduce a curfew, as long as we can control the situation.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
