Dacic: I’m just waiting for you to contact me!



02.11.2020. 13:56

The President of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić, says that he is waiting for representatives of the European Parliament to contact him due to the announced dialogue between the government and the opposition.

Ivica Dačić

Ivica Dačić, Photo: Marko Marković

Dacic said that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, proposed him for the post of Speaker of the Assembly, because, as he said, Vucic also thinks and hopes that the dialogue will take place not only with those of Parliament, but also to a “broader level”.

“The EP announced that the parliament is the main one for the dialogue. I am waiting for them to approach me on that issue. So far, I have not had any contact about it,” Dacic told the Vojvodina public service.

According to him, some journalists asked him if he had any invitation from the EP on the dialogue, because, according to his information, the EP is preparing a letter about it, which he will send to the President of the Assembly.

I have to see what is at stake, Dacic said, adding that so far he has not participated in the dialogue between the government and the opposition.

Asked if everyone should participate, Dacic replied that he should, because without everyone, “dialogue has no effect.”

“Dialogue should not be carried out only on political issues and not only parties are the carriers or subjects of dialogue. We also need several other issues, such as the issue of the current pandemic … There are many social groups that want and should participate ”, he emphasized. Dacic.

Commenting on the election of new ministers, and especially Nikola Selaković to the post of Foreign Minister, he stated that “there will be no change in foreign policy, and especially in policy towards Kosovo.”

He recalled that Selaković, as a member of the delegation and Minister of Justice, participated together with Vučić and him in the Brussels dialogue and demonstrated his patriotism.

“He’s a patriot and I’m glad he’s coming for me,” clarifies Dacic.

Asked how he values ​​the declaration of the head of Brussels diplomacy, Josep Borelj, that a legally binding global agreement on Kosovo is needed as soon as possible, in the coming weeks and months, as well as if it is possible, Dacic thinks that “no it is possible, as they imagine it. “

To some public opinion that he was “demoted” by being elected head of parliament, he repeats that it is because the role of parliament is “demoted.”

“Everyone is used to it being a ‘reserve bank’ and a place from which they are drafted into the executive branch. President Vučić had the idea to strengthen the role of parliament by proposing me. I have been the first party leader in presiding over parliament since ’91. “My position is number two in the country,” concluded Dacic.
