Sanctions for not wearing masks: communal militiamen obtain new authorizations


There are many rules and few that punish violation. If masks are worn, distance is kept, how catering facilities work, if there are meetings – all this is the responsibility of the sanitary inspectors, of whom there are only 140 in Serbia.

Goran Stamenković, Deputy Minister of Health for Inspection Affairs, states that health inspectors are obliged to submit a request to initiate a procedure for minor offenses to a competent judge, for legal persons, for employers, for legal persons in the responsible person, but also for citizens who do not respect the prescribed measures.

“In the previous four days, 2,237 inspections were carried out and 74 requests were made to initiate proceedings for minor offenses,” says Stamenković.

Almost no application is against citizens who do not wear a mask or keep their distance.

“The data from the previous month is that eight complaints of minor crimes were written to the citizens of Belgrade, and that was an action with the communal militia related to public transportation,” added Stamenković.

In public transport vehicles, cafes, restaurants, parks, compliance with the measures is monitored by about twenty patrols of the Belgrade Communal Militia. They can only declare the violation, not punish it.

“The citizens adhere very little to the measures”

Ranko Šekularac, deputy head of the Communal Militia in Belgrade, says that they claimed that in the previous period, citizens adhered very little to the measures, especially when it comes to personal self-protection measures, that is, wearing masks and limiting the number of people indoors and outdoors.

“Currently, we could only warn, point out the obligation to respect, but not react repressively to the most irresponsible,” says Shekularac.

That should change soon. Reforms have already been made to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, and the deputies will issue a final judgment on them by mid-month.

Mandatory penalty for not wearing masks

Tamara Stojčević, a member of the working group to amend the Law, affirms that the new regulations will provide the possibility for communal inspectors and communal militiamen to control personal protection measures, which means wearing masks, keeping distance indoors and Exterior.

In addition, as he added, the law brings the possibility of a foul order, which is actually a mandatory punishment, so the community and health inspector may impose a sanction on the spot.

Stojcevic points out that the amount of sanctions for non-compliance with the measures does not change. They amount to several thousand to half a million dinars.

So whoever does not want to wear a mask can count on a fine of 5,000 dinars, or half if they pay it within eight days.
