We will probably have to step up measures, celebrating the biggest source of infection


Mayor and Crisis Staff member Zoran Radojicic said that the epidemic has its own dynamics, and our behavior can lower the curve, that is, reduce the plateau. Parties, celebrations and other celebrations are the biggest source of infection, Radojicic noted.

Belgrade is showing poor results when it comes to the number of kovid newcomers, some events that normally occur during the fall are canceled. For days, Belgrade has been at the top of the city map in terms of the number of people suffering from the crown in Serbia.

Mayor and Crisis Staff member Zoran Radojicic said Belgrade was expected to have the highest number of infected people, 728 on Thursday, 796 on Friday, and 980 positives yesterday.

He noted that data from the region shows that big cities are on fire for days, weeks. As he points out, in the larger cities, where the contacts are closer, it is more difficult to coordinate and control under those circumstances.

“The bottom line is that in such crisis situations, 10 percent of people participate in proactive problem solving, 80 percent listen and behave as needed, and 10 percent of people don’t function as expected. expecting them, that creates problems, “explained Radojicic.

“We want to defeat them, diverting attention, introducing measures, punishments; we are trying to direct those 10 percent of people in the direction of reducing the probability of the spread of the epidemic,” said the mayor.

photo: Printscreen RTS

These are the highest numbers for Belgrade, the number of examinations in kovid dispensaries in Belgrade has increased and the controls of the competent inspections have been strengthened.

“There were 1,570 on Thursday, 1,800 on Friday and also on Saturday, about 40 percent are positive that they are tested in kovid clinics. Doctors and nurses are under pressure,” Radojicic notes.

Everything we do, we do for people’s health, but also to preserve the health system, he says.

According to him, the epidemic has its own dynamics, our behavior can lower the curve, reduce the plateau, but what happens to us is inevitable, we can influence the reduction of numbers by our behavior.

He said that last night 164 facilities were controlled, eight teams in the field and penalties were written for “16 plus 4”, because infractions were found.

He noted that two shopping centers were also controlled, and in the previous week 9 shopping centers in 168 stores and 55 catering establishments, 14 fines were issued.

These are just some data that show that we are facing it and that we are waiting for the modification of the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases.

“I am also part of the General Staff of the Republic, the crisis headquarters of our city is constantly ambushed, this is how we coordinate the story, we will certainly have a meeting tomorrow,” said a member of the Crisis Staff.

photo: Printscreen RTS

“We will probably have to intensify the measures, the essence is to follow the events on the ground and the figures that appear there,” he said.

Epidemiologists analyze the data and, based on that, prescribe measures (if and when we will have a shortage of working hours in the catering facilities) depends on them, explains Radojicic.

Urban transport is a challenge at the moment, we look for the optimal number, we ask citizens to wear masks and we must take care of each other together, warns Radojicic.

Parties, celebrations and celebrations are the places where there are the greatest risks, adds the mayor.

“If you have a reputation with 50 people and one is infected with the crown, if you go to another reputation and meet 50 other people we will have 2,500 to 3,000 infected in two days, that is an exponential spread of the infection. Interior space, many people , mandatory masks, “he concluded. is Radojicic.


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