The growth in the number of patients is worrying, I ask the public to respect the measures


The mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, said today that the number of patients is worrying and has once again called on his fellow citizens to respect the prescribed protective measures.

Visiting the RTV program “Grad i mi”, Vučević said that the Infectious Diseases Clinic is in the first line of defense, but that we ourselves, to help them a little, must be responsible and disciplined.

The mayor pointed out that without solidarity and unity we cannot succeed in this challenge that lies ahead.

– We have a strong progression of infected, since throughout Serbia, big cities will always lead. Novi Sad as a big city, usually one of the hot spots. There are a lot of students. Yesterday we had 119 new infected in the city, a difficult day, the record was on July 23 when we had 135 infected. We have no data for today, more than 70 new patients so far – said Vučević.

According to him, the majority of the population does not seem to be aware of the situation in which we find ourselves.

– The numbers will show if we have learned anything from the past. Those who ridicule the crown and the measure will be the first to photograph and rejoice at the collapse of the healthcare system. Those who party these days and have fun. They will completely ignore the fact that they directly influenced that circumstance, Vučević said.

He called on the citizens of Novi Sad and everyone else to “call on our minds, to preserve our health and the health of our family, to preserve schools, colleges and jobs, so that we do not have to introduce restrictive measures.”

The mayor said that the city is prepared for a new wave, as well as that schools and kindergartens will not be closed.
