IS IT SERBIA BEFORE THE CATACLISM OF THE CROWN? Hospitals are getting more crowded, cases are getting worse, and doctors are saying, “THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING.”


The first forecasts predicted that the third wave of coronavirus would be milder than the previous ones. However, as we have been recording records in recent days in terms of the number of infected and the capacities of the hospital are filling, it seems that this stroke is increasingly showing its cruel face.

The fact that 100 patients have been admitted to the “Dr. Dragisa Misovic” Hospital Clinical Center in just two days shows how quickly the hospital’s capacities are being filled, and all of them have extremely serious clinical pictures.

As KBC deputy director “Dr. Dragisa Misovic”, Dr. Predrag Savic, told “Blic” a few days ago, its determined capacities for covid patients have already been filled. The doctor mentioned that Wednesday was the most difficult day for the doctors at this institution, when they had 48 admissions in just 18 hours.

– Considering that the Infectious Diseases Clinic is full, we had to endure that blow until the Zemun Hospital opens and receives all the patients in Belgrade who were for hospitalization. These are the 48 patients we received on Wednesday morning. There may be three or four more places left throughout the hospital for admission. We could literally have three more patients and then we would have an Italian stage, people would have to lie down in the hallways, says Dr. Savić.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

The doctor emphasized that all those hospitalized have severe clinical pictures already upon entering the hospital.

– It is mainly older people, there were people from 88 to 90 years who have many comorbidities. Those people passed away. Then malignant patients who became infected. The situation is like a war scene, we work all day and all night – said Dr. Savić.

Regarding the symptoms of the patients, the doctor affirms that nothing has changed in this regard, and that bilateral pneumonia prevails, which is an indication for hospital admission.

His colleague, the chief of anesthesia, Duska Ignjatovic, said this morning that 174 patients with the corona virus are currently being treated at that health institution.

– Almost all the capacities we leave for positive patients have been filled. We already have more than 20 patients in the intensive care unit and they are on some kind of mechanical ventilation, Ignjatović told TV Pink.

At yesterday’s press conference, VMC Karaburba’s Dr. Ivo Udovicic pointed out that the situation there is quite difficult.

– Empty seats fill up quickly. All patients have a severe clinical picture. Half require oxygen therapy. 11 patients are in the intensive care unit. We have never had so many difficult patients, said Ivo Udovicic of VMC Karaburma.

He stressed that the virus entered hospitals, because the hospital was open for surgical patients between the two waves.

– The medical staff is too tired, we have been here continuously for 7 months. A nurse in intensive care needs a nurse. There must be highly specialized nurses for these patients. We don’t have them. So I ask you to be careful, everyone can end up in Karaburma hospital – said Dr. Udovicic.

More than 1,000 patients with crown in hospitals

Number of hospitalizedPhoto: COVID19 / screenshot

Number of hospitalized

Now 1,048 patients are hospitalized and 183 patients are also in hospitals, Minister and crisis staff member Darija Kisić Tepavčević said yesterday.

If we look at the graph showing the number of people hospitalized, we notice that it was the largest in the second corona virus attack, on July 15, when 4,858 patients were hospitalized across the country.

Previously, during the first wave, this number reached its highest value on April 19, when the number of hospitalized was 3,900.

The number of hospitalized patients should not be a consolation because it is smaller compared to previous waves. On the contrary, experts warn that we are only at the beginning of the third wave and that the number of new patients could continue to grow.

This is just the beginning

Commenting on the epidemiological situation in Serbia, Dr Srdja Jankovic, a member of the crisis staff, said that it was not so easy to follow the contacts of those infected “because there are too many”, and that there were only a few hundred epidemiologists in all the country.

He also said that we are just at the beginning of the third wave and that the epidemic is accelerating.

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon agrees with Dr. Janković.

– Unfortunately, we are on an exponential ascent. We cannot expect leveling off or slowing down. This is accelerating and is only gaining traction in Belgrade and other cities, Dr. Kon told RTS.

Dr. Branislav Tiodorović emphasized that there is a danger of further spread of the virus, noting that “we are in a situation where the danger of spreading kovid is much higher and when we can say that we have more infected than proven.”

– Young people who do not feel any special problems do not call the doctor, they do not even come for tests and the consequence is a situation in which it does not mean that we have included everything we need so we can expect that five to 10 times more. that have been confirmed – said Dr. Tiodorović earlier.

So there is no doubt that this third wave of the corona virus is in an incredible rush, and in order not to get hit by the “Italian scenario”, we need iron discipline.

And as Dr. Janković said, “our common goal should be to stop the epidemic by respecting the measures.”

VIDEO: One day in KBC “Dragisa Misovic” at the time of the crown
