As of November 10, no PC test or ID card between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia


Aleksandar Vučić said that they had a long meeting with Rama and Zaev and that he thought it was important that they make several important decisions, which will apply from November 10 at the latest.

“Until then, it will certainly be possible to go to Albania and North Macedonia, or from there to Serbia, without a CP test,” Vucic said.

He added that the health ministers will formulate agreements in the coming days on how to help each other, that we can receive patients from Skopje and Tirana, that they can receive our people who are in their territories, how to regulate costs.

“Let’s see how to help each other with vaccines, to appear together somewhere in the procurement of vaccines,” Vučić said, adding that it was just one point of the meeting, which concerns kovid-19.

Vučić said that at the “little Schengen” conference, an agreement was reached on three points: work permits, mutual assistance in the event of natural disasters and faster customs work.

“A complete agreement has been reached on work permits, assistance in natural disasters, as well as faster customs work, so that trucks and citizens can wait at the borders as briefly as possible,” explained Vucic.

Possibility of traveling only with ID

He noted that it was agreed to complete everything related to the possibility of traveling only with an identity card between Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania before November 10.

He announced that he would try to complete all the techniques by November 10, so he would travel by car to the border with North Macedonia, then to Albania, to set a personal example and ensure that it is possible to travel to those countries with only one staff. Map.

He stated that we have not yet had that opportunity with Albania, although talks have been held about it and that an exchange of notes is imminent.

He conveyed that they also discussed how to jointly strengthen the common political position, before each summit, such as the one to be held in Sofia on November 10, as part of the Berlin process.

“Let’s make a political agreement to support each other in elections to international organizations or when we have an interest in someone else voting together. And that should work even better in the future,” Vucic said.

He conveyed that they also discussed investments, and tried to present projects together, in order to get most of the eight plus billion euro money from the EU.

He added that specific projects were also discussed, such as the Business Council, which would include the three most powerful companies of the five plus one in the territory, which will see the interests of the businesses in the best possible way.

Open call for Pristina, Podgorica and Sarajevo

President Vučić stated tonight, after participating in the online conference on the “little Schengen”, that the invitation for Pristina, Podgorica and Sarajevo to join the initiative remains open.

“We look forward to Pristina in one of the next meetings, according to the Washington initiative. I also spoke about it at the conference and we hope that Avdulah Hoti will join the next summit and meeting, and then we look forward to Sarajevo and Podgorica,” Vucic said. .

He says that the creation of a permanent secretariat for the initiative has been agreed, which, he points out, is a very important decision, since all decisions will always be formalized.

“The essence of it all is to make life easier for everyone. We are all very small together, but together we are less small than when we are alone. That is a big and important idea and Serbia benefits greatly from that,” said Vucic.

He points out that the time has passed when we did not understand global processes and when the world passed by, as well as when we did not understand what a strong economy means.

Serbia will have the highest rate of economic growth this year, Vucic added.

Mali: We did the right thing, the future “little Schengen” of the region

Finance Minister Sinisa Mali said that the decisions made at the conference on the “little Schengen” are very important to all countries in the region, adding that the initiative is the future of the region and provides a basis for the economic development of the region and of each country individually.

“These are important agreements. Imagine what this region will look like when you only cross the border with an identification card and arrive in Albania, North Macedonia or some other country that will soon join this initiative,” Mali said after a meeting in Initiative member line. .

He pointed out that, considering that the signing of the Agreement to improve customs policy on simplifying customs procedures had been agreed, the trucks would cross the borders unhindered, without waiting several hours.

“All this will contribute to the development of the economy of the entire region and directly to the development and increase of the standard of living of all the citizens of the region,” Mali said.

He believes that Serbia will benefit the most, as the dominant economy, but the whole region will move forward, adding that an important topic at the meeting was the announced EU assistance, as the entire Western Balkan region expects nine billion euros. in financial support of the investment program of the European Commission.

“Through ‘mini Schengen’, we will make a list of joint infrastructure projects that should further contribute to improving the quality of infrastructure and economic development in the region,” Mali said.

He recalled that the signing of the agreement is scheduled for November 10, and that the panorama will be completely different on November 11, when the agreement will begin.

“‘Mini Schengen’ is the future of the region and the basis for the economic development of the entire region and of each country individually. We have done the right thing and, regardless of some differences, the key is how to improve the citizens of the whole region, “said the finance minister.

Chadez: The agreement will facilitate the work of companies in the region

The president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Čadež, said that the agreement reached today at the online meeting of the “Small Schengen” initiative is of great importance for the business community in the region, especially the support they received from the three leaders for an intense and frequent dialogue between companies and governments. .

He points out that it is important that the measurability of the success of this initiative is not only the signed documents, but that the business community will be the one to say what remains and what needs to be done.

Chadez said that the points that have been agreed will greatly facilitate the work of companies that face problems in the field every day and that know that there are trucks waiting and which documents must recognize each other.

“It is one of the very important things, as well as the work permit agreement, which practically means that a single labor market is being established in the three countries,” Chadez said.

He hopes that other partners from the six Western Balkan economies will join in and show that this makes sense and that the people who work benefit from it.

“It is very important that a very strong agreement has been reached to reach mutual agreements for border crossing, whether it be customs, veterinary or phytosanitary inspection, to speed up the process,” said Cadez, adding that the Minister of Finance and his colleagues partners is working very well in both Tirana and Skopje.

Chadez estimated that based on these new principles, which are already being applied in Europe, the placement of merchandise will be easier, and companies will be more competitive, and that this will mean a big change.

“In terms of the fight against the coronavirus, a lot can be done if we act together in the region, when it comes to purchasing equipment, vaccines, logistics centers,” concluded Marko Čadež.
