“Hospitals are filling up fast, the virus is insidious”


There has been a sharp increase in the number of infected people in Serbia this week and the week before, says the director of the Batut Institute of Public Health, Verica Jovanović.

Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Getty images / Sascha Schauermann

Illustration: Getty images / Sascha Schauermann

He adds that the capacities of hospitals are filling very quickly.

She stated for TV Pink that about 15 percent of all newly infected patients require hospital treatment.

He points out that the highest number of infected people is in Belgrade, and that 48 percent of the 1,328 people infected yesterday were in the capital.

After Belgrade, the number of infected is followed by Novi Sad – with 68, Kragujevac – with 54, Sabac – with 39, Pozarevac – with 30 new infected.

“We call on all citizens to adhere to the measures, to wear a mask, to keep their distance. The virus is easily transmitted from person to person, it is very insidious, it does not show that it is present in the body.” , he claimed.

When asked if the introduction of a driving ban and state of emergency is being considered, Jovanovic said that all options are being considered, emphasizing that all the measures taken, if fully implemented, would be sufficient.

Speaking about the situation in schools, Jovanović stated that since the beginning of the school year, kovid 19 has registered with 313 students.

“A small number of children are grouped in classes. Almost all children in the family are infected, outside of school,” explained Jovanović.

He said that young people between 30 and 50 years old are the most infected, and once again stressed that it is important to call a doctor in time, with symptoms of fever and shortness of breath.
