The old man (82) had the boy (8) satisfy him orally!



09/05/2020 07:00

Miloje mocked the boy in the Sordos settlement on the Danube bank near the old shipyard. He found the boy playing near the house where he lives with his family.

Arrest, police

Arrest, police, Photo: Vladimir Markovic

Novi Sad’s Miloje J. (82) forced an eight-year-old boy to satisfy him orally at the Šordoš settlement on the Danube bank near the old shipyard! The sick survival of the maniac was prevented by two women who found Miloja holding the child’s head with her hand while the boy satisfied him orally. One of them screamed, causing the pedophile to flee, and the other called the police. The pedophile was arrested after 15 minutes, thanks to the description given by the women.

The horrifying scene of the abuse of an eight-year-old boy happened on Thursday, just a day after citizens over 65 were allowed to move and the state of emergency was lifted. As we discovered, Miloje found a boy who was playing in the vicinity of the house where he lives with his family, so he attracted him to take a walk with him, under the pretext that “uncle has something very good for him.”

As soon as he reached the embankment and a bush, it is suspected that he unbuttoned his pants and attracted the boy with his genitals! Who knows how long that survival lasted, if it were not for two women, random passers-by who went for a walk in nature. One of them noticed a strange commotion and murmurs in the bush, so they got together and saw an unpleasant scene. They reacted immediately. They started yelling at the maniac to let the boy go and reported it to the police. – explains our source.

The women ran to the maniac, screaming, so he released the boy and ran away. However, thanks to the description and efficient action of the Novi Sad police, he was arrested only after 15 minutes.

During that time, ambulance doctors took care of the boy and then took him to the hospital for further tests. A conversation was held with the boy in the presence of the parents and employees of the Social Work Center, in which the boy told how his uncle attracted him. – said our source.

According to unofficial information, Miloje did not defend himself during the arrest, nor did he deny having forced the boy to satisfy him orally. Research determines whether the old man used force and threats to satisfy his animal impulses. Work is underway to determine all the circumstances of the unfortunate event, after which the competent prosecutor’s office will give the last word and, if there is a basis and evidence, will order the filing of a criminal report.

The child should see a psychologist.

The women who reported the case to the police testified and maintained that they found Miloj while the boy was orally satisfying him. Waiting for the child’s conversation with the psychologist and DNA analysis of the swabs taken from both.
