We don’t have time to calm down, WEAR MASKS!


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff, appealed again to citizens to wear masks, emphasizing that this measure, while keeping its distance, provides the best protection against the coronavirus.

“We don’t have time to calm down, wear masks,” Kon wrote on Facebook.

Epidemiologists have been warning for days about the increase in the number of crowns recently infected with the virus in Serbia, and especially in Belgrade.

It should be remembered that since the last report samples of 6,503 people in Serbia have been analyzed, of which 341 are positive, almost half less than yesterday, but the worrying thing is that today there are 39 patients with respirators, compared to 26 yesterday.

According to data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampolín” Institute, 105 patients were hospitalized today, that is, one in three people who tested positive for covid had to be hospitalized, which is also worrying.

As noted by members of the crisis staff, but also by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, in the coming days and weeks, more than 1,000 new infected people can be expected in 24 hours.
