“It is very hard for me, there is no work for me”


Viewers love seeing her on the “Chase” questionnaire, and Milica Jokanović, a law graduate and defender of numerous questionnaires, has been in the labor office for four months because her former employer fired her on June 30, announcing that she was fired. .

Milica JokanovicPhoto: RTS screenshot / screenshot

Milica Jokanovic

We called Milica and asked how her job search was going in the last few days, considering she has no permanent income. He notes that he is not losing hope, although, he says, there are no results.

– We are waiting for another offer. Every day I request contests, send a bio. I fight, but it didn’t give many results. I will never give up – Milica told “Blic” and added:

Milica JokanovicPhoto: Youtube / youtube

Milica Jokanovic

– It was very difficult for me because of the dismissal, I was very shocked. The questionnaire is not a sufficient source of income, because it is not a profession, but a hobby. My mother is very supportive, as are my family and friends.

The only income option he really has for now is a part-time participation in “Poteri” which airs on RTS, and where Milica has the opportunity to showcase her rich knowledge.

“The questionnaire cannot be a sufficient source of income,” Milica confirmed once more.

Milica escaped from her native Zenica during the 1990s. On that occasion, all the books she had in her hometown library were burned. However, that did not stop him from continuing to collect books.

Milica JokanovicPhoto: Youtube / youtube

Milica Jokanovic

– My library now has several hundred titles, but my apartment is about 30 square meters, so it doesn’t even fit anymore – said one of the most famous competition girls in Serbia on the program “This is the way things are”. He still keeps his hometown in the best memory.

– I remember it as a city of wonderful and happy people in which I received my first encyclopedia as a gift from my father – Milica said to the magazine “Hello”.

She doesn’t get mad when she’s told she’s addicted to quizzes, and the recipe for great knowledge says she doesn’t exist. She only absorbs information that she considers important, reads a lot, watches programs that interests her, observes the world around her.

Milica JokanovicPhoto: Rajko Ristic / RAS Serbia

Milica Jokanovic

Learn with the help of interactive groups on Facebook, encyclopedias and especially on weekends. With all the information and knowledge, he secured a well-deserved place on the scale of test addicts in Serbia.

VIDEO: Funny photomontage in the “Chase” quiz
