Today we learn who the ministers of the new government are


After the SNS Presidency session, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will announce the names of the ministers of the new Serbian Government.

Source: B92

Illustration: Depositphotos / Tuscany

Illustration: Depositphotos / Tuscany

Vucic will speak at 11 o’clock.

“We only have two, three, maybe four doubts. There will be non-partisans and personalities from other parties. That will be a good government,” Vucic told reporters on Tuesday.

Serbia will have three new ministries: the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, the Ministry of Family and Demography and the Ministry of Rural Care. The government will thus have a total of 21 ministries.

The media previously wrote about possible new and old names in the Government, with special emphasis on the number of women who, according to reports, will be 11.

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević confirmed for TV Prva that she spoke with Prime Minister Brnabić and the President of Serbia, but that everything will be known after President Vučić’s speech. She said that she was willing to do her best for her country.

As said, Zorana Mihajlović will stay in the construction sector or take over the energy department, Jadranka Joksimović could continue to head the European integration department, Andjelka Atanasković could become the head of the Ministry of Economy, while Maja Gojković was mentioned as the new minister. Justice.

The media claim that Maja Popović could be a new name in the Government, in the position of Minister of Justice. She comes to this position from the Security Information Agency.

Among the ministers, we can see Gordana Comic, a former DS deputy, who will likely be in charge of the new ministry: human and minority rights and social dialogue.

Milan Krkobabic is mentioned as a possible minister of the new Ministry for the care of the people.

It is mentioned that Ministers Nebojsa Stefanovic and Aleksandar Vulin could replace the departments, so Vulin will join the Ministry of the Interior, and Stefanovic will defend himself, while Zlatibor Loncar is expected to remain Minister of Health. The media claimed that Nikola Selaković could succeed Ivica Dačić as head of diplomacy.
