The mysterious death of a teenager in the city center upset Nishlije: he died of fear!



25.10.2020. 07:00

Aleksandar Ć. He died on Friday after a stranger chased him with a knife on Kosta Stamenkovića Street, a few hundred meters from the police administration and the city center. The boy fell and did not get up again


Nis, Photo: Hello / YES

The mysterious suffering of Nishlija Aleksandar Ć, aged fifteen. in downtown Nis on Friday night, he upset his fellow citizens, who were concerned about safety on the streets of Nis. The tragedy occurred, as confirmed by the Nis police spokesman, at 1.30 am on Kosta Stamenkovića Street, a few hundred meters from the police administration and the city center.

The boy was undoubtedly killed while fleeing from a man who was chasing him with a drawn knife. The cause of death is fear or fatigue, it doesn’t matter, but her heart stopped during the bully’s escape. The prosecutor ordered an autopsy, which will reveal the exact cause of death, but something like this should not have happened in downtown Nis, and people are rightly outraged and upset. – says a source of the investigation.

Aleksandar Ć., Đ. K. and his companions were returning from Chair Park to downtown.

From Hajduk Veljkova, we passed through Vojislav Ilić alley and, at the entrance of Kosta Stamenkovića street, we met a man who was sitting and eating something. We ignored him, but Aca crashed into a flagpole and cursed. It seems that the man suspected he was cursing him, so he announced himself, to which Aca turned to him. Suddenly, it seems to me, a stick was created in the man’s hand, and Aca shouted: “It’s not a truncheon, it’s a knife, run.” We ran to Marger thinking the man was behind us. However, Aca fell around the corner, so we stopped to help him. He had a scratch on his face, nothing terrible, but he did not react – Said Ђ. K. after an unfortunate event.

The frightened boy and girl began to call for help and several passersby quickly found themselves at the scene, and neighbors also jumped, who were annoyed by the noise. The ambulance and the police were called.

The doctor tried to resuscitate him at the scene for a long time and then the boy was transferred to the Nis clinical center. Resuscitation continued, but unfortunately there was no help for him and he soon passed away.

By order of the prosecutor, The body of the teenager was sent for an autopsy, which is expected to determine if the child suffered a heart attack or stroke because he had no visible injuries on the body, except for a small scratch on the face. Whatever the cause of death, it is believed that it was all sponsored by fear.

Meanwhile, the police questioned eyewitnesses and are intensively searching for the man whom the children encountered on Kosta Stamenkovića Street and who pursued them angrily with a club or knife in his hand.

According to his friends, Alejandro was a sincere friend. The girl who was in her company is her friend from elementary school.

In the family of the injured teenager, silence and pain to heaven. They don’t want to comment on anything until the autopsy report comes in.
