It was rumored that he was Mira Markovic’s lover and that he was murdered out of Milosevic’s jealousy! (VIDEO)



24.10.2020. 13:26 – 24.10.2020. 13:49

Zoran Todorovic Kundak was the general secretary of JUL and, as some said, a “serious business” politician.


Kundak, Photo: Illustration

A few minutes after eight, on Friday, October 24, 1997, an unknown assailant fatally shot the director of “Beopetrol” and the secretary general of JUL, who was also one of the closest friends of President Slobodan Milosevic’s wife. .

The general secretary of the Yugoslav left, director of “Beopetrol”, but also one of Mirjana Markovic’s closest friends, Zoran Todorovic Kundak, was assassinated exactly 23 years ago, on October 24, 1997.

It was around eight in the morning when the driver drove him in a black “Mercedes” to the “Beopetrol” building in New Belgrade. As soon as he got out of the car, he met his acquaintance Siniša Milenković on the stairs, they shook hands cordially and Todorović stopped to speak.

When Milosevic cried

“At that time, Kundak and Stanković were approached by a young man of 20 to 25 years old, of medium height, about 170 centimeters, thin, wearing a knitted hat with an opening for eyes and mouth, a classic ghost. He was wearing a jacket blue and a cap. As he approached the two men, he pulled out a machine gun with a silencer under his jacket. He approached and fired two rounds at the victim, then quickly walked towards the nearby buildings, where all trace was lost. of him, “the media quoted a cold-blooded Zoran. Todorovic Kundak.

The businessman, who was 38 years old at the time, was lying in a pool of blood. His acquaintance was seriously injured and remained disabled.

After Todorović’s assassination, there was confusion in political circles at the time, especially about how to announce the news of the death of Miri Marković’s closest associate. He received the sad news in India, where it was due to the promotion of his book “Night and Day”. Those familiar with the circumstances at the time say the news came as a shock. He sent a farewell message from the FRY Embassy in New Delhi, which was read at Todorović’s funeral. On that day, the then state leadership was present at the New Bežanija Cemetery, headed by Slobodan Milošević.

Slobodan milosevic

Slobodan Milosevic, Photo: Printscreen youtube

Those present were said to have noticed that he cried that day while reading Mira’s letter from India.

Unreasonable reason

Although Belgrade was completely blocked for hours after the crime, the killer and the person who ordered the crime have not been discovered to this day. From day one, there was much speculation about the motives for the murder of an important political and business figure of the time. Among the speculations that appeared during the previous decades, the newspaper columns were filled with speculation that the reason was Milosevic’s jealousy, because he did not like Kundak’s closeness to his wife Miro.

However, researchers have ruled out such speculation. The search for motives, but also for those who participated in the assassination, was directed to his political commitment, which was allegedly closely related to his business influence, which he built before the assassination, especially in the oil trade business, which supposedly earned him a big number. of the enemy. The privatization of “Beopetrol” was also mentioned as a possible direction of the investigation.

Mira Markovic’s letter The last address to another

Mirjana Markovic did not attend Zoran Todorovic’s funeral, but her letter was read at her last farewell.

“Dear Zoran, I have never been further away from you and I have never been closer to you. From South India, from Madras, I cannot come to Belgrade today and say goodbye to you for the last time. I, who have been you better for 15 years. But I send you messages across all these mountains and seas: I will never be separated from you. My first thoughts were: never again our conversations, agreement, care, anger, hope, all in one hour, so everyone this years.

I will miss you while I’m alive. I would like you to know, while you are leaving, that you are not going to leave me. Please take care of everyone you left behind and I will take care of you. And don’t be mad at me for being resentful of you sometimes. You have always been my friend. Now I forgave you everything anyway. You helped the whole world, both those who needed it and those who didn’t. We were more similar in that. I will be with Daniela in everything, and I will love your children as I loved you – it was written in the letter, with the last “hello, Look”.

JUL statement: “Shoot the country!”

Following the assassination, JUL issued a statement unequivocally stating that it was a political assassination.

To shoot against our friend is to shoot against our country, against the Republic of Serbia, against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, against peace, freedom, dignity, everything that the Yugoslav left represents. This shameful, disgusting, vile and cowardly political assassination is an attempt Zoran Todorovic, secretary of the Yugoslav Left, believed in the ideas of equality, humanity and justice, fought for them and was assassinated for his beliefs, “says the statement, declaring our integrity and weakening the forces that defend it. JUL.
