Three new departments, including CARE OF THE PEOPLE


A group of 167 government deputies today submitted the Law of Ministries to parliamentary proceedings. Under the proposal, the new government will have three new departments, namely the Ministry of Rural Care, the Ministry of Family and Demography, and the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue.

The Assembly of Serbia will discuss this proposal tomorrow.

The Assembly will discuss this proposal tomorrow and it may happen that another department without portfolio is established, which will be decided later. Who will be the new ministers should meet after the session of the SNS presidency on Sunday.

The new government will also have a Ministry for the care of the village, and performs the tasks of the state administration and related professional tasks related to: strategic consideration of the position of the village and the rural population; propose measures and activities to improve living and working conditions in rural areas; nurture tradition and traditional way of life in the countryside, in order to preserve the cultural and historical content of rural areas, as well as other activities determined by law.

The Ministry of Attention to the Family and Demography carries out tasks of the state administration related to: the family legal protection system; marriage; population policy; family planning, family and children; promotion and development of demographic policy.

Dacic convened the Assembly Collegium for tomorrow

The President of the Assembly of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, called the Collegium of Parliament for tomorrow at 9 am, as well as a new session in which the Draft Law of Ministries will be discussed.

The Serbian Assembly College consists of the President of Parliament, Vice-Presidents and the heads of parliamentary groups.

The draft ministries law provides that the Government of Serbia will have 21 ministries, including three new ones: the Ministry of Family Care and Demography, the Ministry of Human Rights, Gender Equality and Social Dialogue, as well as the Ministry of Community Care.

Video: Palme’s hilarious speech at the Assembly: Dacic is modest, eats gyros, we barely made him buy three suits when he became minister
