Belgrade – Epidemiologist Radmilo Petrovi presented a pessimistic estimate of the number of people infected with coronavirus in Serbia. “If we get to a thousand, it will mean 5,000.”
Source: News
Dr Primarius Petrovi explained that if Serbia reaches 1,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection per day, it will mean that we have at least 5,000 more people infected each day, most of whom will have an asymptomatic form of the disease and will spread the infection.
He says that it is precisely because of these asymptomatic cases that kovid 19 explodes, and that it will be difficult for Serbia, and all other countries, to contain the epidemic.
“This virus is behaving in very strange ways, and what science knows so far is not enough to make an assessment of what will happen next,” Dr. Petrovi told Novosti, adding:
“It is unlikely to go away on its own, as was the case with the SARS challenge, but it is also possible. We know for sure that we can only oppose it through large-scale population training, which means acquiring immunity, even temporary , after contact ‘with the virus, as well as vaccination “.
Although high hopes are being pinned on the vaccine, Petrovi says the main question is not just when it will be on the market, but also how much will be available, especially for poorer countries.
“The pandemic cannot be stopped if not all countries receive the vaccine, and the epidemic will be fought first by the countries that will vaccinate the largest populations and where naturally acquired immunity to SARS-KoV-2 is the highest.” It is desirable that at least 70 percent of the population is protected in one of two ways. Only then will the virus begin to lose its strength. The SARS-KoV-2 threat will certainly last another two or three seasons, “he said.