Lajcak had a message for Belgrade and Pristina at the Belgrade Security Forum


The European Union’s special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said today that the solution of the Kosovo issue will be a painful compromise.

Lajcak said that in a special online panel “Belgrade-Pristina, there is no solution without trust” within the Belgrade Security Forum, in which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Minister of the false state of Kosovo Avdulah Hoti also participate. .

The special envoy first thanked Vučić and Hoti for their commitment to dialogue and for sometimes receiving harsh criticism at home.

The Brussels official also said that the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is an important element in solving the challenges in the region and that the objective is to achieve three objectives: normalize relations, arrive at solutions to European values ​​and norms for bring the region closer to the European future. The whole process contributes to regional stability.

– It is not an easy process, the solution will be a painful compromise, but it will be worth it – Lajcak said.

Without peace, as Lajcak pointed out, there can be no solutions to many regional problems, nor sustainable peace without partnership and trust, which applies to all spheres of life, from the economy to progress.

The question, Lajcak says, is how you can achieve peace and build trust.

– One of the ways is reconciliation – says Lajcak and affirms that the entire region must face a painful history from which it must learn.

As he said, each side must discover the truth and bear the consequences, regardless of how painful they are.

– But that should be done by experts, historians and the judiciary … Leave history to historians, and processes to the judiciary. That is not a job for politicians who have to focus on today’s problems and not capitalize on the past, Lajcak said.

The other thing is the European future, Lajcak said, asserting that the Western Balkan countries have a common future, and that is the European future.

Lajcak said that every Balkan leader, when faced with a problem, must consider whether the step he will take will lead him to the EU or not.

“Honestly, I don’t think leaders ask themselves that often, because if they did, they would be closer to the EU,” Lajcak said.

photo: Youtube Printscreen

He stated that the European perspective is often “vague” and that EU countries are also cautious when it comes to enlargement, but that EU countries must understand that enlargement is good and that candidate countries understand that enlargement European perspective is the near future. , not a distant dream.

“My answer is hard work,” Lajcak said.

When asked what the EU will do to become an even stronger partner in the Balkans, as there are rumors that the EU has lost its appeal in the region, Lajcak said the fact is that the EU faces many challenges. , but you are doing it successfully.

As he said, the seven-year budget was adopted, the economic recovery plan, the EU assisted member states in the fight against covids, as well as partners in the Western Balkans.

He recalled that the EU allocated a large amount of money to the Western Balkan partners for economic recovery in the covid crisis and that it showed that it is there for the Western Balkan partners like no other.

– I heard from many leaders in the region that they could not fight kovid without the help of the EU – Lajcak said.

It says that the EU could be quicker in making some political decisions, but that the EU is stable, that it respects its obligations and that there is no doubt that it will promise and allow, but that its partners must also demonstrate that integration is their priority number one. .

– It is a process that lasts, it would be good if it were faster, but we do not need new ideas, we must be honest and implement the ideas that are already on the table – Lajcak said.

( Nemanja Nikolic / Youtube Printscreen)

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