“I HAD NO REASON FOR THAT” Srbobran residents were surprised to learn that a PROBLEMATIC PAINTER THROWN A BOMB at a police station


The residents of Srbobran continue to be shocked by the bomb attack last night at the police station there, for which Dragomir P. is suspected (27).

As we reported, the incident occurred last night around 9pm when a young man with a hood over his head ran past the police station and threw a hand grenade in front of the room where the policemen were.

The police station building is located on Ulica cara Lazara, one of the busiest roads in Srbobran, and fortunately no one was injured in this incident, and the force of the explosion smashed the windows of a window while shrapnel flew through the main glass door and caused a minor. Material damage.

The Srbobran police station where a bomb was dropped last nightPhoto: Z. Č. RAS Serbia

The Srbobran police station where a bomb was dropped last night

The attacker was filmed by security cameras, and was also seen by two passers-by who revealed to the police in which direction he fled, and was soon arrested near the old hotel “Elan”, where the bridge leading to the exit of Srbobran is located. in the direction of Novi. Sadu.

Suspect Dragomir was ordered to be detained by the police for up to 48 hours, and due to the existence of grounds to suspect that he committed criminal acts of causing general danger and illicit production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives, he will be taken to the Superior Public Ministry of Sombor. competent for the municipality of Srbobran.

Srbobran Police Station Bomb DroppedPhoto: Z. Č. RAS Serbia

Srbobran Police Station Bomb Dropped

The locals were shocked: people avoided him, but he was not violent

After learning that their fellow citizen Dragomir was a suspect in the attack, the Serbian defenders were shocked because, according to them, he was a calm and non-violent type, but prone to alcohol and various opiates.

– I have known Dragomir for a long time and until a couple of years ago nobody had any problem with him. Then he started drinking and taking drugs, then people started avoiding him, but as far as I know, he was never violent and who I spoke to, no one can believe he did something like that, a Serbian defender tells us.

Worked as a painter

His compatriot adds that Dragomir worked as a painter, but also that lately people have avoided hiring him because they knew he was starting to use alcohol and drugs.

– I heard that he did everything, but I did not hear that someone was afraid of him or that he physically hurt someone. He was a good guy, and then he fell into bad company that also brought him bad things like drugs and alcohol. They were probably the godparents of what he did because no one has a rational explanation for his actions – says a local, shaking his head in disbelief.

Srbobran Police Station Bomb DroppedPhoto: Z. Č. RAS Serbia

Srbobran Police Station Bomb Dropped

Criminal charges for theft and burglary

According to police sources, several criminal charges have been brought against Dragomir for petty theft and burglary in recent years, but no violent behavior has ever been suspected, so authorities are hoping that the suspects will find out why he dropped the bomb during investigation and questioning. to the police station because nobody is clear about the motive for committing this crime.
