20 newly infected people in Vranje and intensified inspection supervision in Valjevo


LIVE ALL ABOUT THE CROWN IN SERBIA: 20 new infected in Vranje, intensified inspection in Valjevo

Photo: Shutterstock, Zorana Jevtić

Since the start of the epidemic in Serbia, a total of 1,249,106 have been tested in Serbia, meeting the criteria to define the case, and a total of 36,608 people have contracted the coronavirus.

441 patients were hospitalized, 33 more than the day before.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 780 people have died from the corona virus and the death rate is 2.13 percent.

photo: Covid19.rs Printscreen

10.46 – In the district of Jablanica in the last 24 hours without new infected

In the last 24 hours, there have been no new cases of coronavirus infection in the territory of the Jablanica district. The Leskovac Public Health Institute states that 13 results came from the laboratory of the Nis Public Health Institute in the last 24 hours, of which 8 for the city of Leskovac, and that all were negative. Currently, 43 results are expected from the “Vatreno oko” laboratory in Nis of the Jablanica district for the people who were sampled at the Leskovac Public Health Institute, the Leskovac General Hospital and the Jablanica district health centers in the days previous.

9.55 – 20 positive patients in Vranje

According to the latest data from the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations in Vranje, of 59 samples, 20 are positive for coronavirus, of which 14 are from Vranje, four from Presevo and two from Bujanovac. 33 patients were hospitalized at the Kovid hospital of the Vranje Health Center, of which 16 tested positive for coronavirus. There are 24 patients with bronchopneumonia, 10 on oxygen. There are no children among those hospitalized and the current number of free beds is 147. Two patients were transferred to the Nis Clinical Center. 94 exams were performed at the ATD clinic on Tuesday, and the total number of first exams was 41. Blood samples were taken from 62 patients and 38 lung x-rays were taken. 20 PCR and 56 rapid tests were performed and bronchopneumonia was diagnosed in 9 patients. (TS)

photo: TS

9.48 – Intensified inspection supervision ordered in Valjevo

Due to the sudden increase in new cases in Valjevo, the Emergency Situations Headquarters ordered the intensification of the supervisory supervision of the inspections of cities and republics, as well as the communal militias on the application of measures related to the prevention of the spread of the contagious coronavirus. Valjevo Mayor Lazar Gojković has announced stricter measures if the epidemiological situation does not stabilize by the end of this week. As announced, in addition to the intensified control, the Emergency Situations Office called on citizens, businessmen, legal entities and other economic and public entities to consistently implement measures in both open and closed spaces. The Commander of the Emergency Situations Headquarters and the Mayor of Valjevo calls on the citizens to implement all measures against the epidemic, not to organize large concentrations, celebrations and not attend such meetings. Since the middle of last week, the corona virus has been confirmed in up to 85 people. (S. Stevanovic)

9.18 – Kon: Wear masks, protection is close to 99 percent

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon, a member of the Crisis Staff, once again called on citizens to wear masks, emphasizing that this measure, along with keeping their distance, provides close to 99 percent protection against the corona virus.

8.54 – In Užice hospital, two in critical condition, several patients in Krčagovo

Three positive and suspected covid-19 patients were hospitalized at the Uzice General Hospital, two of them on respirators, said the PR of the Uzice Health Center, Danijela Vasiljevic. On Monday, six positive and suspected coronavirus patients were hospitalized in Uzice hospital. Vasiljevic also claimed that 20 patients were housed in kovid’s temporary hospital in Krcagovo, seven more than on Monday.

photo: RINA

8.06 – 4 factors that accelerate the coronavirus

According to epidemiologists, the third wave of coronavirus will last until February, at best, and to slow the spread of the virus, it is especially important to consider four important transmission factors: proximity, overcrowding, duration of contact and forced action. .

7.52 – Teeth broken by crown

The coronavirus has changed everyone’s life and, for most, due to fear of infection, death, job loss, it has significantly raised the level of stress. According to the famous New York dentist Temi Chen, this stress, among other things, caused an increase in the problem of grinding or grinding of teeth in a large number of people, resulting in significantly more patients with fractures than before the pandemic. .


The World Health Organization states on its official website that the virus starts with a fever, followed by a dry cough, and after a week it causes shortness of breath, and then patients need hospital treatment. Some of the symptoms that are also listed are headache, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.

Regarding temperature, the WHO states that there is usually a gradual increase in body temperature. In people with weaker immunity, in older people and young children, there is a possibility that this virus can affect the lower respiratory organs, which is why pneumonia or bronchitis can develop.

Make sure you take precautions

* Avoid contact with people who show signs of respiratory infection (cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever);

* Avoid mass meetings and stays in a space where there are a large number of people;

* Increase hand hygiene (wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if this is not possible, use alcoholic gels to disinfect hands, especially after contact with sick people or staying in a potentially dangerous area;

* It is recommended to wear masks before the mouth and nose if staying in an area where there are massive concentrations;

* It is mandatory to adhere to protective measures against the transmission of infection in all people who feel the symptoms of a respiratory infection.

* Avoid contact with live or dead domestic or wild animals.


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