Where is Biden’s plan for Serbia?


The electoral seat of Democratic candidate Joseph Biden reportedly announced his future administration’s plans regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the so-called Kosovo and Albania.

Source: B92

Getty Images: Scott Olson / Team

Getty Images: Scott Olson / Team

In the document “Vision of relations with Albania and Kosovo”, Biden talks about his plans for future relations in the Balkans and affirms that as a senator he defended the interests of the so-called Kosovo when the focus of the world was elsewhere and supported their independence, which he says is an irreversible process

He pledged to work in partnership with the European Union to reinvigorate the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and will insist that justice for war crimes be administered without fear and will demand full and swift accountability for the missing, including the Bytyci brothers.

It should be recalled that Biden recently declared that he did not know the details of the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina in Washington, but that he believed that the agreement would strengthen the independence of the so-called Kosovo.

On the other hand, Joe Biden’s “Vision for US Relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina” states that he “will always be against hatred and will support the sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

The introductory part of the document first lists what Biden has done for Bosnia and Herzegovina so far.

He notes that when violence broke out in the Balkans in the 1990s, as a senator, he “played a key role in the Senate’s efforts to stop the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina” and that “despite widespread opposition to the interventions in the region, he argued that the United States could not stand. foreigners, while innocent civilians were raped, murdered and buried in mass graves. ”

Dimitrije Milić from Novi trećeg sees the reason for publishing these documents in the complicated state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the so-called Kosovo.

“Plans have been announced for Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, because both countries have a complicated status. For that reason, Biden’s headquarters have published views on these issues and what to expect from policy towards them when they arrive at the power, “he said.

When asked why plans for Serbia and other countries in the region have yet to be announced, Milic says it is because Biden’s headquarters views that country as stable.

“They consider other countries in the region to be stable. Biden’s team believes that all those countries, including Serbia, should be part of the EU and NATO. According to them, that is the best way to reconcile the region,” Milic concluded. .

It should be remembered that “Wall Street International” magazine published an article on 750,000 American citizens of Serbian origin, living in key and crucial countries after the next elections in the United States.

They add that the Serbs, who have not forgotten Biden’s support for the bombing of Yugoslavia, could be the deciding factor in the November presidential elections.
