The older brother was detained for up to 30 days, and this is what happens to the younger


NIS BUSINESSMAN MURDER SUSPECT BEHIND THE BARS: Older brother detained for up to 30 days, and this is what happens to a younger one

Photo: Kurir Television, Private Archive

The Nis High Court ordered the arrest of MM (39), the eldest of two brothers suspected of the murder of businessman Nis Draško R. (46), in the Niš factory circle on 8 October.

His arrest was ordered due to public harassment and the amount of punishment threatened by the criminal act for which he is accused, court spokeswoman Irena Gušić told Tanjug.

The younger brother, NM (34), was ordered arrested and will be questioned within 48 hours, prosecution spokesman Borislav Radonjić told Tanjug.

He added that the Superior Public Ministry of Nis, after today’s hearing of the suspect MM, issued an order to carry out an investigation against both of them for the existence of reasons to suspect that they committed the crime of aggravated homicide, as co-perpetrators.

MM and NM were arrested today on suspicion of hitting Draško R several times on the head with a hammer and an ax on 8 October, who died from his injuries on the spot.

Draško R. (46) was a local businessman, and two of his workers found his body after returning from a lunch break.

According to media reports, the brothers knew their victim and were at his funeral.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
