5 relatives infected at the celebration, there were about 60 guests in the restaurant


According to the latest data from the Valjevo Public Health Institute, in that city another 18 new infected with the corona virus have been registered, and the sudden increase in the number of patients in the second week of October is related to a private celebration to which about 60 people attend.

photo: print screen

According to the General Headquarters for Emergency Situations in Valjevo, so far the infection has been proven in several people who participated in the celebration or their contacts, which are 10 people from Valjevo, one from Mionica and five relatives of close relatives of Lajkovac.

In October, according to the Institute, the illness of three members of a Valjevo family was linked to a stay abroad, and the illness of four members of another family was related to a proven source of infection, that is, by contact with a family member who tested positive for the Belgrade coronavirus. .

The illness of five members of a family is related to the stay in a restaurant, and individual cases related to attending meetings with a greater number of people, family celebrations and contact with outsiders are also recorded.

ZZJZ Valjevo also states that the day before a new sick person was registered in Mionica and Lajkovac, while in other municipalities of the Kolubara district (Osecina, Uba, Ljig) there are no new infected people.

A sharp increase in the number of new laboratory-confirmed patients on October 14, an increase in the number of examinations, admissions and hospitalizations of new suspected, probable, and / or laboratory-confirmed patients at kovid dispensaries, an increase in the number of patients in home isolation and people in contact with home self-isolation situation, it is stated on the official website of the city of Valjevo.

According to the report of the Valjevo Public Health Institute, yesterday 83 people with respiratory infections were examined in the outpatient clinic of the Valjevo Health Center, 13 swabs were taken, and the children’s outpatient clinic is also running.

In the Admission and Emergency Center of the Valjevo General Hospital, eight suspected and / or probable positive cases for coronavirus were examined, and one patient was admitted to the hospital, so there are currently seven COVID-positive people in the hospital.

68 positives for the Covid 19 virus are treated at home.

UZ ZJZ took 59 swabs yesterday and 666 since early October.


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Author: delivery courier
